“Everyone will laugh at me. Spoiled little rich girl thinks she can fill her father’s shoes.” She laughed humorlessly. “I’ll probably run it into the ground trying.”

A finger came under her chin, lifting her face to meet Luke’s eyes. “You are not a spoiled little rich girl.”

She averted her gaze and he pinched her chin.

“You are so much more than that. You’re clever, and kind, and witty. You figure things out fast, and you’re far too good at reading people and situations. And they’re stupid if they can’t see that.”

Her cheeks heated. “Everyone else thinks I’m a piece of fluff.”

He let go of her chin and brushed her cheek with his fingers before putting his hand back over hers. “Your dad didn’t, or he wouldn’t have left you the company.”

No, her dad had never thought of her as fluff. But he hadn’t exactly treated her like his protégé either. Had he been planning to, really? Or had the internship been a joke? Maybe he’d been waiting for her to show more interest, or to show him she’d matured.

Sure, she could’ve shopped less and paid attention more, but how was she supposed to know his time was running out? Fuck. So many things she would’ve done differently if she could go back.

“I was hoping our road trip would give me some answers but . . .” She shook her head. “I’m more confused than ever. And my mom wants me to decide tonight. There’s a buyer. The offer is expiring. I have to meet them when I drop you off . . .” Pressure built in her chest again, squeezing and cutting off oxygen. Her breath came out in short gasps and she felt like throwing up. “I . . . I don’t know what to do.”

“Shhh.” Luke grasped her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “Listen to me. Offers like that don’t expire. Not legally. They’re trying to rush you on purpose so you cave under the pressure. If they’re that seriously interested, taking some extra time won’t deter them. You don’t have to make a decision tonight. Call your mom and tell her you’re not going.”

He sounded so confident, so final. She nearly laughed. “Is that an order?”

It’d been a joke but he didn’t smile. “I don’t want to control your life, but I care about you. It’s obvious you’re not ready to make this decision. So don’t.”

“I can’t keep running away.”

“No, but you can’t decide the fate of your father’s company just to please your mother.”

The offer wasn’t going to expire? Was that true? He’d mentioned a degree in business, but how much did he really know about stuff like this? Was he just trying to make her feel better?

Well, what was the worst-case scenario here? Even if the offer did expire, there’d be others. It wasn’t the end of the world, even though her mother apparently thought otherwise.

“Take your time,” Luke said again, dropping his hands from her shoulders. “Follow your gut.”

Easier said than done. Her gut was a mess of nerves and fear. What if she made the wrong choice? What if she destroyed everything her father had worked so hard for? What if she tried to do the right thing and ended up a giant failure?

“If you ever need someone to talk to about this,” Luke said, ?

??You have my number. I mean it. Even if it’s two in the morning and you’re freaking out, call me.”

She smiled regretfully. “Thanks, but this isn’t your problem.”

“So?” He shrugged. “No one should have to go through something like this alone.”

Alone. When she returned home, she’d be surrounded by people—her friends who no doubt had gossip to share, relatives who pretended to like her to get at her money, her own mother trying to get at her money. Sometimes the more people were around her, the lonelier she felt. Only because it reminded her of what she didn’t have. Love. Acceptance. Happiness.

But Luke was fun and amazing and made her feel good, and he was the one thing in the world untouched by grief and stress. She didn’t want that to change.

“Promise me you’ll call me when you need to talk,” he pushed.

“And when I need a spanking?” she joked, but it didn’t come out funny.

“Yes. That too.”

Wow. He really meant it. But what was she supposed to do? Text him to meet her somewhere inconspicuous for a beating and a good fuck? No. That was too weird.

“I thought you didn’t want to be a sentient dildo,” she pointed out.

He snorted. “It’s not exactly a hardship. Besides, I’d rather see you get your needs met than suffer alone. In more ways than one.” When she didn’t respond, he reached out grabbed a lock of her hair then wound it around his finger. “Are we clear?”