He’d always been a relatively happy guy, even as a kid with all the crap that went on with his dad and mom and the messy divorce, but now he felt like he’d found something beautiful and important.

And it would be over tomorrow night.

For tonight, he’d enjoy their time together, but he was going to need some serious time and maybe some therapy to get over her.

“I knew it would please you?” she asked. “Did you get abducted by aliens when I went to pee?”

“It happened at the museum the other day, actually. Who do you think put that chip behind your knee?” He grabbed her by the back of the leg and she squealed and kicked, pretending to try to get away, but she let him tickle her every time he did it. And like every other time, it turned into him flipping her over and kissing the back of her knee until she sighed with pleasure, and leaving a small hickey behind.

“Is that so that you can find me later?” she asked, turning back over when he let her up. The grin on her face faltered. Was she regretting that they wouldn’t see each other anymore, too?

“Only if you want to be found.”

She chuckled humorlessly. “Yeah, I assume Mars has plenty of other women.”

“Only one that has my chip in her right now.” He brushed his finger over the silly necklace he’d bought her at the museum, smiling faintly.

“I bet you say that to all the Earth girls.”

He rolled onto his back, but pulled her along, settling her on his chest. There were so many stars in the sky it was hard to pick out constellations, like someone had spilled a jar of glitter across black canvas. It was as lovely as the scent coming from the top of Ophelia’s head. She made him feel so . . . protective.

The idea of sending her back to her old life, to live alone in a big house with her worries and sadness, upset him. The night he’d found her in the backseat, she hadn’t seemed safe from herself, let alone from the world. The idea of Ophelia ever being lonely again made him crazy.

“Tomorrow, after I bring you home . . . if you ever need anything, even if it’s just someone to vent to, I want you to call me.”

“That won’t be awkward?” She took a sip from the wine-sized bottle, like a fucking lady, and grinned at him. “Your cousins might tease you if some whiny girl keeps calling you. Although maybe that happens twenty-four/seven.” She narrowed her eyes, as though the idea of other girls calling him didn’t please her.

“Oh, I think your friends would have a much bigger problem with you calling me. I’m not the kind of guy an heiress should be hanging out with.”

Boldly, she straddled him and sat on his stomach. His cock was instantly aware of her every movement. “Yeah, I can just imagine. ‘Priya, Chloe, this is Luke. He steals cars for a living and likes to fuck my ass.’”


In part of his mind alarm bells were ringing, but the words “fuck my ass” coming out of her sweet mouth was almost enough to get him off.

“I don’t steal cars for a living,” he said quietly, pulling his mind away from the memory of his cock being buried deep inside her. “I run a computer repair business with my cousins.”

She frowned. “I’m not stupid, Luke. I’d never actually tell anyone. I just said it here, to you, because there’s no one around to hear. I’m not a narc.”

A laugh escaped him, despite the gravity of the situation. “Narcs are for narcotics, Ophelia.”

“Oh. Well, if you don’t make fun of me for not knowing that, I won’t make fun of you for not knowing what leveraged buy-outs are.”

Little snob. “I have a degree in business.”

She bit her lips together, eyes widening. “Oh.”

“My cousins and I run a business.”

“A computer business.”


“Got it.”

She slid down his body until her pussy was pressed against the hard length of his erection then rocked her hips against him. “Mmm.”

Although he had the urge to flip her onto her back and plunge into her, he lay passively, letting her do what she wanted without encouraging her.