Choking it down, she gagged, but obeyed. Her eyes watered and she felt like some of it had gone up her nose. Shaking, she looked up at him, desperate for his approval. His gaze was fierce, possessive, commanding.


He pulled out of her mouth and she hunched over, gasping. Water ran down over her face, cooling her heated cheeks. Luke drew her up her from the ground and gathered her into his arms.

His sexy, satisfied expression made her want to clap her hands. Maybe real blow jobs didn’t involve the guy doing most of the work, but for now she was ecstatic that he was pleased.

He stroked her hair and back and she sagged against him. Cupping her face, he gazed down at her. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” Tired, a bit embarrassed, a lot elated, but okay. “Did I . . . do a good job?”

His head fell back and he let out a small groan. “Do you really have to ask?”

“Well . . .”

Chuckling, he stared down at her. “Wasn’t me coming down the back of your throat answer enough?”

Her body felt flushed. God, why did he have to talk so dirty all the time? She was probably in a constant blush around him. And his words brought her attention to her own need.

He forced her face up to look at him. “You have a very talented mouth.”

“Okay.” She bit her lip, unsure of whether to believe him. Maybe he was just being polite. Just then, her stomach let out a loud rumble.

Luke laughed. “What? You want more? Insatiable woman.” He winked then turned the water off. “Come on. You’ll have to settle for food for now.”

With shaky knees, she stepped out of the shower then let him pat her dry with a towel. She was learning that he liked taking care of her, so she didn’t fight him on it. She could certainly dry herself off, but it he seemed to get immense satisfaction when he tended to her.

Pleasing him was starting to please her much more than it should.

Chapter 10

Ophelia’s father had been right. Glacier National Park was the most beautiful place Luke had ever seen. With each turn on the trail, the view grew more and more breathtaking.

That morning, they’d driven up Going-to-the-Sun Road to a mountain pass where they’d left the car and started on their trail. The drive itself was a spectacular array of views. As it twisted and turned through the mountains, waterfalls fell onto the road from the cliffs, creating rainbows in the sunlight. Below them, steep mountainsides covered in forest gave the drive a treacherous feel. The road was narrow and hugged the edge of the mountain.

The Highline Trail was even better because they were outside, tasting the air, feeling the freshness on their faces. And once they were out of sight of civilization, it felt like they were in the very soul of the earth.

Every time Ophelia turned to grin at him, he got the overwhelming feeling that they were sharing some sacred private moment. He had no idea he’d get so swept away by the place.

“Hurry up, slowpoke,” Ophelia said over her shoulder. She was a good few yards ahead, lengthening her strides up the rocky path.

In some ways, he was glad she was faster than him. It gave him ample opportunity to stare at her ass—a perfect heart shape, even in the khaki hiking shorts. It had caused him to lose his footing several times.

“How are you so good at this?” He hated that he sounded winded. “Have you been practicing or something?”

She turned around and smirked. “Pole-dancing fitness classes.”

He felt his eyes go wide. After clearing his throat, he said, “You’ll have to show me some of your moves later.”

Laughing, she turned back to the trail.

His gaze lowered to her ass again. Mmm. He itched to spank it again. He’d have to find a reason later. Was there somewhere private enough to put her over his knee, just for fun? They hadn’t seen another hiker for at least twenty minutes.

Her sassy smirk only egged him on. He longed to hear her small cries of pain, while he gave her a very sorry red ass. He sighed at himself. He was a twisted, twisted man.

Ahead, he spotted a flat boulder behind a bush. Smiling manically, he took several large strides to reach her.

She yelped when he grabbed her hand and tugged her off the path. “What are you doing?”