What? She looked down at her V-neck shirt and flirty skirt. What was wrong with what she was wearing?

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Luke protested. “I’d never invade your territory, Fox. You know that.”

Territory? Anger boiled up in her gut mixed with a deep sadness that came with being rejected. She was his territory, but he didn’t want her. How did that make any sense? Obviously just being friends with them wasn’t going to work. That approach had been a stupid idea anyway—she’d burned the “only friends” bridge when she’d started sleeping with Fox.

“I was just leaving,” she murmured. “Obviously you can’t stand the sight of me so I’ll just go.” She leaned the broom up against the wall then made for her dad’s car.

Fox stepped in her path. “It’s not like that, Addison.”

“What’s it like then?” She glared at him. “Enlighten me.”

He stared at her for a long moment. She tried to look away, to tell herself she didn’t care, to walk away and not look back, but she was helpless to do anything but continue to stare, searching for some small amount of hope.

Stupid, stupid girl.

Even after all of this—the anger and dejection—she was still attracted to him. Like the end of a magnet, she was always pulled toward him. In his ratty old painting shirt that clung to his long, hard, tattooed muscles like a second skin, and his jeans riddled with holes, he looked more fuckable than ever. His reddish-blond Mohawk was tied back in a topknot, probably to keep it out of his way for work, and it drew her attention to his strong jaw and beautiful blue eyes.

However lame and self-destructive it might be, she still cared about him.

“I explained about Marcel,” Luke said, pulling her from her thoughts. “You might as well tell her the rest and stop being an idiot.”

Fox grabbed her hand and towed her into the building, past the wreckage, and into an office in the back. A large desk dominated the space while filing cabinets and shelves filled the rest. This was the one room left untouched by the thugs and she figured either the door had been too hard to break through, or maybe they just hadn’t bothered.

Fox shut the door behind them.

She backed away then leaned up against the desk. He followed her, pressing his body against hers. When she tried to slide out of the way, he gripped the back of her neck and held her in place.

Inches from her face, he whispered harshly, “The last thing I wanted to do was hurt your feelings.” For some reason, the grave look in his eye made her believe him. “But we have enemies. I don’t want you tangled up in this.”

Being in his arms, no matter how aggravating and stubborn he was being, made her will melt away. Was he going to kiss her?

“I can take care of myself,” she said, her voice sounding smaller than she’d meant it to.

“That’s not how I work and you know it.” His hand tangled in her hair, and excitement flared through her.

Of course it wasn’t how he worked. Fox was used to being in charge. It made her simultaneously want to smack him and crawl to him. She warred with herself for a moment while he held her in place, letting her feel the power he had over her. Her thighs clenched and she felt her body trying to respond to him, but she held back, not wanting to make a fool of herself.

He pulled her head to the side then kissed her exposed neck. Shivers chased up her spine and he grazed her skin with his teeth. Helpless to resist him, she groaned.

Damn him.

“You’re too important to risk,” he said in her ear.

What? Her eyes rolled back as lust tried to overtake her, but she fought past it, trying to focus on his words. She was important to him? That changed things. She’d written him off, convinced she’d just been the flavor of the week and he’d gotten bored of her.

But important also made her angry. Three days of confusion, of hurt, of wondering what she’d done wrong. And for what?

She pushed weakly at his chest, but he didn’t budge. His mouth moved to her ear, under her jaw, then to her lips. They kissed, fervently, passionately, and she put every ounce of frustration into it.

Mind spinning, she managed to pull away enough to say, “You didn’t make me feel important. I texted you and you ignored me.”

“I’m sorry.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tight against him. Then he turned her and walked her backward. “It was a shitty way to keep you safe.” He pushed her up against the wall. It was hard and cold against her back and made her feel pleasantly trapped.

But was he only into her for the sex? That hadn’t been ruled out, and the idea stung. She’d thought there was more developing between them—an emotional connection. Yeah, the chemistry was off the charts, but she wasn’t interested in a perpetual booty call. The revelation shocked her. She’d been thinking Fox was a fling, but until he’d ended it, she hadn’t realized how much it wasn’t a fling at all.

He cradled her face. “Have I mentioned I missed you?” In that moment she saw vulnerability there, and sincerity. From his expression, he didn’t mean he missed fucking her. The soft brush of his lips on hers made the last of her objections melt away. When he pressed his forehead to hers and just stared into her eyes, she had to reel her heart back into her chest.

“You smell like you.” He sighed. His nostrils flared and his jaw clenched as though he was at war with himself too. “Fuck, you make me crazy.” He kissed her again and at the same time, dragged his hand up one of her thighs.