
“Well, I think it’s in my duffel bag. I might have forgotten it at home.” She batted her eyelashes at him in mock innocence. “I forgot my homework at home, headmaster, are you to make me sit alone in the corner and wear a dunce cap?”

“I’m sure I can think of something less pleasant.”

She sighed dramatically and swept her hat off the ground, dusting it off before shoving it back on her head. At that point he realized her hat read, BEHAVING IS A HARD LIMIT.

Arching a brow, he tapped the brim of her hat. “Yes, I can see you’ve turned over a new leaf.”

“Admit it—you’ve been daydreaming about punishing my naughty ass since you left town. I’d hate to disappoint.”

“You do realize I can dominate you without you giving me a reason to punish you.”

“Me bratting is good for your brain function as you age,” she said solemnly. “I’m only thinking of you.”

“I’m only two years older than you, brat.”

“Well then, I’m thinking of keeping things fresh for us as a couple.” She smirked and he had to force down a laugh. “Sometimes it’s hard doing all of the work in this relationship.”

Without another word, he grabbed her wrist and dragged his giggling slave off into the trees, fully intending to fuck her into submission.

“What are you doing?” Tousled, Arabella sat up in bed, the sheet pooling around her waist to reveal her small breasts and deliciously pierced nipples. Even though they’d been in bed more often than not for the last two days, Grant was tempted to crawl back in there with her.

“More guests are coming this morning and I need to go greet them. Luc has been doing my job for almost forty-eight hours, and I really don’t pay him enough to take care of the place the whole time you’re here, unfortunately.”

She pouted at him adorably, her blue and purple hair sticking up in all directions, making her look for all the world like a naughty fairy or mermaid. The bite mark bruise he’d left on her right breast matched her hair.

“I took time off work to come visit you in the middle of my busy season, and all I’m going to get from you is the dregs of your time?” she teased. They were both busy all summer, and that meant that every moment together they could manage was precious.

As much as his new venture was successful and satisfying beyond what he’d ever imagined, he was also looking forward to the end of the season. She had been making not so subtle “jokes” about him moving in with her when he came home. Honestly, the only reason he hadn’t agreed yet was because he was waiting for her to cave to his demand for two dogs, rather than one. After all, he had compromised on her putting in a pool house for him to live in, so he definitely deserved two dogs.

He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her into his arms, loving how she melted against him. She felt so right skin against skin that it was always a huge disappointment to let go.

“Do you want me to come?”

“Oh, I always want you to come, pretty slave. That tight little cunt of yours is always so willing to oblige me.” He winked at her, and she actually blushed. Considering she wasn’t a kink debutante, it was funny to him that he could still embarrass her once in a while if he caught her off guard.

“Yes, I’m a very obedient slave, especially considering the fact that you haven’t collared me. There I am at home wandering around like no one owns me, doing whatever I want. I should really start taking videos of me bratting and uploading them to YouTube. I’ll call my YouTube channel “The Misadventures of an Uncollared Slave While Her Master Is Living on a Remote Island in Canada.”

“Your business cards are going to have to come with magnifying glasses so people can read the tiny font,” he managed to reply, his mind racing. Was that

a serious hint that she was ready? The collar he’d bought her was tucked away, and he still wasn’t sure offering it to her was the right thing to do.

She shrugged. “Not my problem. I’m allowed to run amok.”

Apparently he’d failed at fucking her into submission long term. Every time she slept, she woke up ready for trouble.

He fucking loved it.

After giving her ass a playful smack, he kissed the top of her head, inhaling the scent of her. She was so perfect—so lovely. So clever and so funny. He claimed her lips then and fell back on the bed with her, then kissed her some more until her breathless giggles became moans of desire.

“Didn’t you say you had to go?” she asked as she broke away from their kiss. He blinked at her, his brain taking a moment to register what she’d said. She had the terrible effect of erasing his memory sometimes, or making him not care if he ignored responsibilities. Unfortunately, she was one of those diligent people who wouldn’t let him be a slacker even when it would give her what she wanted.

He groaned and dragged himself off the bed.

“Fine. I see how it is. You got what you wanted from me, and now you just want to nap.”

“I really need to shower off some of my Master’s spunk before I try to be social.”