“Your woman is finally here?” Luc asked.


“I’ll hold down

the fort until you come up for air,” he teased. The French Canadian economics professor was now his right-hand man. The guy was quick-witted and charming, and happy to live on the island for free while university was out. Since he was single and in his midthirties, a lot of the single female submissives that came out tried to win him over, but his last breakup was recent enough that he wasn’t looking for anyone yet.

Or so he said.

Since Grant had only hired him a few weeks before, he hadn’t met Arabella yet. Maybe he should have left the guy back at the lodge in case she took a shine to him.

It was funny how time apart could make a man jealous and unreasonable. He felt the need to mark her as his somehow, but wasn’t sure even tattooing his face on her forehead would be enough for him when they were going to be away from each other for such long stretches.

His own fault, of course, but still.

Impatiently, he waited for the plane to dock, hating every moment of their time together being wasted by Tarka parking the damned thing. The jerk was probably dragging the process out just to frustrate Grant.

When Arabella finally descended from the plane, she was wearing jeans and an oversized T-shirt, Doc Martens, and a baseball cap—for all the world looking like someone had dragged their twelve-year-old brother along to a kink retreat. Typical.

Grant realized he was grinning like a fool just as their gazes met.


Before he could even take a step forward, she ran down the dock to him full tilt. He braced himself when she didn’t slow, and sure enough she launched herself at him, leaping into his arms and wrapping herself around him like a koala on a tree. She kissed him fiercely, her cap’s brim catching him in the forehead in the process, knocking the hat to the ground.

Her mouth was hot and demanding. Within moments he was hard and ready for her. Dimly, he realized Luc was welcoming the guests on his behalf. He appreciated that the guy was quick on the uptake.

Eventually, she let go of him and he allowed her to slide down his body to her feet. She grinned up at him, her eyes shining with excitement.

“It’s funny how I talk to you every day and yet it’s not the same as seeing you. I know everything you ate for dinner yesterday, but I almost forgot about the chicken pox scar on your temple and I’m very disappointed with myself.” Her exuberance spread warmth through his chest. He couldn’t remember anyone ever being as excited to see him as he was to see them, and the fact that it was Arabella, with her mischievous grin and flashing dark eyes, made it all the sweeter.

Grant had caught sight of Tarka walking up behind Arabella, and their friend made a gagging noise.

“Love is so fucking obnoxious.”

Arabella amiably flipped Tak off as he blew Grant a kiss, then went back to mooring the plane. Luc loaded Grant’s guests on the tour cart and drove them up the path.

“I think we missed our ride,” she said, laughing.

“I told him to go on without us. I wanted to have you to myself for a few minutes.”

“Ugh. More walking? That’s what I get for banging an outdoorsy guy. Just don’t chase me around the island this time. I don’t do cardio that isn’t sex.”

“Well then, you better not have been doing any cardio for the past few weeks.”

“On my own a few times, but not in a class at the Y or anything.” She winked at him, and he smacked her ass. She rounded on him and shook her finger in admonishment. “If you didn’t want a brat you shouldn’t have picked a brat.”

“Like I had any choice in the matter?”

“Nah, not really. I ran you to the ground like a gazelle. Poor, frightened little thing.” She reached up and patted his face in consolation.

“I can see all the time away from me wasn’t spent reflecting on how to be a better submissive.”

“Oh, but it was. I even did those writing assignments you gave me.”

“Did you?” he asked, knowing better than to believe her.

“Absolutely! My notebook is in my duffel bag, which sadly has gone on without us. I’ll show it to you later.”