ere were no signs of human life anywhere, not even in the distance on the water, not even the hum of faraway engines. It was unbelievably freeing, but also somewhat nerve-wracking. If something happened to Grant while they were on the island, she didn’t even know how to start the boat’s motor, let alone drive it. And if he was unconscious or had broken a leg? There was no one to call for help. She wasn’t even sure Will knew Grant had bought the island, let alone where it was.

“You’d better hope nothing happens to me, or you’re going to be stuck here until someone can trace your phone,” Grant said, his thoughts obviously having taken the same turn hers had.

“You don’t think my directions would be very accurate? Turn left off the highway, pass a million and forty-two rocks, then . . . oh, did I mention to bring a boat?”

“See? I could hold you captive here and you’d be totally screwed.”

“Hot, but only because it’s you.”

He laughed evilly, and she smiled to herself. It would be a fun game, but she had to go back to work sometime. As it was, she had to call Andromeda as soon as they got back to the island. Master An had left a message that morning asking for direction on a few details, and Dex had sort of forgotten to call her back.

If Grant suddenly turned evil, though, he could imprison her here and none would be the wiser. He could keep her as a sex slave for the next twenty years.


Okay, so as a sexual fantasy, the idea was kind of hot.

She wouldn’t have to go to work anymore, and she could forget all about expanding operations. Sweet.

Somehow, spending her life in Grant’s bed—or servicing him wherever he felt like being serviced—didn’t seem like such a terrible fate.

She glanced back at him, admiring his broad shoulders and the cut muscles in his arms as he paddled.

Not such a terrible fate at all.

Chapter Fifteen

“Oh god, what was I thinking?”

Arabella’s whimper of pain made Grant feel like a complete asshat.

“This is what I get for hanging out with an athletic guy. I know better than this.”

He lowered her into the tub in the master bath. The tub was huge, and meant for more than one person, so the water reached her chin. Her arms drifted to the top of the water and floated there, as though she had no control over them. She was wincing at him, as though he were to blame for all of her woes. Maybe he was.

“This evening, the role of my arms will be played by noodles,” she said as though introducing the actors in a play.

“Cooked noodles?”

“Yes, cooked noodles!” she laughed, then groaned. “At least I could do something with uncooked ones. I know I’m into pain, but strictly of the sexual variety, capiche? This sort of torture is a hard limit. And my ass . . . did I mention my ass? It still hurts from this morning! I have bruises and even some little scabs, you jerk!”

“I hate to break it to you, but you did this to yourself, naughty girl.”

“Bull. Shit. Like I would have chosen to do the canoe version of the Tour de France on my first day out? That was all you, jerkoff.” Her dark eyes shone with amusement and challenge.

“I should have taken better care of you,” he admitted, rubbing aloe vera on her sunburned nose and cheeks. “But you should watch your mouth with me, little pixie. You may be sore, but I can make it much worse.”

“So mean,” she muttered under her breath, looking petulant and adorable.

“You love me mean.”

“I lo–” Her mouth snapped closed, and he wondered what exactly she’d stopped herself from saying. Abruptly, she slid under the water. Luckily for him, there was really no way for her to escape the confines of the bathtub without him noticing.

She came back up, hair slicked back, looking for all the world like the kind of creature that could lure a man to his death and have him happily go along with the scheme. Hopefully the tub would be too shallow for his little siren to use for nefarious purposes.

“This was all part of your plan, wasn’t it? In this condition, you won’t even have to tie me up to have your way with me. I’m at your mercy.”

He grabbed her chin and forced his thumb into her mouth, hooking it behind her teeth. The look of shock on her face shifted from plaintive to spontaneous, nervous arousal. The simple sight of her naked had already made him hard, but her distress made his balls tighten and ache.