She could feel the shaking of his legs and then he half collapsed on top of her. His hand smoothed soothingly down her back as her orgasm’s aftershocks shuddered through her body. She whimpered, feeling deliciously used. Exhaustion swept through her and his hand stroked her hair then tangled in it, giving a possessive tug close to the scalp at the back of her head. Another aftershock hit and she moaned.

“Are you okay?” He levered himself up, and the branch under her hips gave an alarming crack. “Don’t move,” he said, unnecessarily. It wasn’t like she could go anywhere even if she wasn’t in imminent danger of falling on her face. Balanced precariously on the tips of her toes, she waited, knowing if the branch gave way there was no chance of catching herself, and yet she was having a hard time caring.

He crouched behind her. From where she hung upside down, she could see his grim expression as he worked at the knot he’d tied in her leggings, releasing her from their stubborn hold.

“Don’t move yet.” He rose and grabbed her by the waist, then levered her upright, pulling her back against him with a breast in each hand.

Grant turned her in his arms, then claimed her lips with a groan of appreciation. Come dripped down her legs and she grimaced at him.

“What?” he asked, his brow furrowed in concern. Tenderly, he brushed a lock of hair off her forehead. “Did I hurt you too much?”

“No. I’m just . . . leaking.” She wrinkled her nose. “It’s funny how you completely forget about that part.”

He reached between her thighs and before she could object he cupped her pussy in his palm and emitted some sort of weird growl of possessiveness.

“I finally get breeding fetishes.”

She laughed and raised her hands to shove him affectionately away, but the throb of her ass gave her pause. No smacking. She’d have to remember that unless she felt like living with the consequences.

He sat on the ground and pulled her down on top of him, then lay back. She sprawled over him, feeling small and protected in his arms. He nuzzled her hair and she sighed in contentment. Lazily, through half-lidded eyes, she watched the waves, as she slapped away the occasional mosquito, her back pleasantly warmed by the sun while her battered ass complained about the heat. His chest was hard and sexy, and she found herself eavesdropping on the beat of his heart as it gradually slowed to normal. Idly, she played with his nipple, the small pale bud puckering under her toying fingers.

“I think we need to get up,” he said eventually, his voice more percussion than sound under her ear.

She lifted her head and looked down at him, propping her chin on her hands so she could see his face.

“But I’m comfy,” she complained.

“I’m getting bitten by something. I’m guessing ants. If we stay like this too long they might decide to move their new colony into my asshole, and that’s a kink even I haven’t heard of.”

“I’m sure it’s a thing,” she insisted, not budging even as he winced. She giggled, and he arched a disapproving brow. He was too much fun. And the best part was it was her kind of fun.

“Get up.”

“What will you give me if I show you mercy?”

In one swift movement he sat up and had her sprawled awkwardly over his lap. He gave her five sharp spanks then dumped her on the ground and stood, brushing the backs of his legs with his hands.

Before she could even process what was happening, he’d plucked her from the ground and swung her to her feet. He kissed her then, long and sweetly, wrapped tightly against his chest, making her wish they could stay like that forever.

Chapter Fourteen

“Let’s go.”

After a shower and the shortest nap in history, he was dragging her off again. He packed a few things into a backpack and led her down to the boathouse.

“It smells like fish in here,” she grum

bled, still sore and half asleep.

“We’re just grabbing life jackets and then we’re going canoeing. I’m not walking all the way back to the big boat to get those jackets.”

She groaned in dismay. “Do we have to go canoeing? Now?”

“I want to see if we have any close neighbors.”

“They didn’t give you that information when you bought the place?”

“I never really talked to the owners. My attorney made all of the arrangements.”