“Fucking—pomegranate!” she screamed hoarsely. “Fucking avocado goddamned otter beaver motherfucking cunt! Fox? Please, just stop!”

“Moose?” he suggested. He’d barely been out of breath chasing her, but now he was breathing heavily. Even from upside down, she could see the unholy gleam in his eyes. He was shaking with adrenaline, his free hand clenching and unclenching.


He leaned his horrible stick against the tree then traced the slashes of pain on her ass with curious fingers. Involuntarily, she squirmed, moaning from the pain and the involuntary arousal he’d inspired. As if reading her mind, his touch strayed downward and he toyed between her legs.

“Quit whining like it was a big deal. You didn’t even hit subspace.”

She strained backward, trying to get his fingers to go where she wanted them.

“It hurt too much and I was afraid the switch was going to snap.”

“I was keeping an eye out for splintering. You’re welted up in a few spots, but nothing extreme.”

She snorted, then immediately regretted the sensation it left in her nose in this position. Now that the switching was over, she felt heavy and languid. Her brain was buzzing.

Before she could process what was happening, his mouth was on the damage he’d done, following the welts with his soft lips and stubbled chin. She moaned at the overload of sensation—pleasure, pain, scraping, tickling. His tongue dipped between her legs and she angled herself back, hoping to get it on her clit.

“You need to read the room with me, little pixie. Sometimes you’ll get away with murder, but there’s a time and a place. Punishment spankings won’t be fun.”

“Yes, Master.”

He stood behind her, and she heard the sound of his belt.

“No, please Master. I’m so sorry. No belt. Please no belt.”

“No, no belt.” Something warm and velvet hard prodded at her slit. She felt his piercing as it dragged over her sensitive flesh.

Fuck. This was Grant, naked, pressing against her nakedness, seeking entrance. All of a sudden, not having a condom between them felt important somehow, as if this meant more than she’d thought it would.

He pried her pussy lips apart with his fingers and found wetness she would have sworn didn’t exist. The head of his cock slid up and down her entrance, slick with their combined arousal.

“Tell me no,” he demanded, his voice guttural.

“Please, no,” she begged, not meaning a word.

“Too fucking bad, princess,” he crooned to her as the broad head of his cock broached her entrance.

Oh god, he was bareback. It had been so long since anyone had been inside her with nothing between them.

And this was Grant. Her Grant. The best friend who’d been off-limits. Fucking her over a tree limb after chasing her through the woods like they were in a creepy slasher movie. If she wasn’t in so much pain and so horny she would have laughed. Somehow the fact that this was their first time without a condom between them made him even more perfect for her.

He flexed his hips and pushed. With Grant it was always a tight fit, but with her legs tied together it was even worse.

“Fuck,” he whispered harshly, pausing for a long moment when he was only barely inside her. She heard him draw a long breath then hiss it out as if he was in pain.

She whined and tried to push back against him, needing him deeper.

“Don’t fucking move.” His voice dared her to disobey, and it made her melt.

For what seemed like a long time nothing happened, and she could feel her body catching up with her brain, getting wet for him. The heat of his cock was almost unbearable. Between the coldness of her still-damp skin and the heat of her freshly beaten ass she was in sensory overload. When he finally moved again, she tried not to think of the bareness of his cock as it slid deeper into her, forcing her pussy wide. He felt so much bigger in this position, and by the time his hips met her ass she was gasping, her fists clenched as her pussy tried to adjust to his invasion.

“You feel so damn good,” he groaned, stopping again either to give her a moment or calm himself down. He traced his finger around where they were joined, making her whimper, then reached around her and fought the press of her belly against her legs to reach her clit. His finger pressed and vibrated there, just as his cock withdrew a few inches then drove back in, making her squeal, her bare toes digging into the dirt and last autumn’s dried leaves.

Without warning, he seemed to lose control. His hips pistoning, he grunted over her like an animal. She could smell his sweat, a faint, manly scent, making him more real in this surreal moment. He was more beast than man as he bowed her body to his will, taking it for his use, making her take every inch in a mad and hectic series of jarring thrusts she wasn’t sure he could control. The heat between them was impossible and electric. He played her body, using her lust and his violent passion to drive her higher and more helplessly toward the brink.

Her body tensed around his, feeling too full and molten. Muscles tightened in her belly and thighs as a horrible storm of pleasure gripped her tightly then exploded in waves of perfect, heavenly agony, his hips slapping against her abused ass, hurting in all the right ways as she came. He snarled her name, the most beautiful sound she’d ever heard, either a prayer or an epithet. Hot jets of his come filled her, almost scalding, and as he kept pummeling into her body, the liquid heat of his release and her own dripped down to slicken her thighs. He swore, his voice breaking once and then he was slowing.