“Maybe that’s the time of day the old owner used to make a ritual sacrifice. They came for their tribute. Hopefully we didn’t make them angry.”

“No offense, Master Grant, but if they come for us again tonight, and it’s a choice between me and you, I’m tripping you and leaving you behind.”

“I’d trip myself so that you could get away,” he said gallantly.

“Wow. So chivalry isn’t dead, but it is pretty clumsy.”

“Sexy, right?” He smiled at her, and although he’d been smiling at her for years now, for some reason this time it made her heart flutter. How he’d gone from being just her buddy to someone who had the power to give her arrhythmia she wasn’t sure—although the bigger question was how on earth had she ever not found him ridiculously, sinfully hot?

The stunt he’d pulled, making her kneel on the table and eat her breakfast without using her hands, should have pissed her off. Instead, she’d found herself very conscious of how she looked while kneeling for him, wanting to look hot, and completely mesmerized by his every imperious gesture and flick of his hands. Some Dominants used similar mannerisms, but they came off looking theatrical and ridiculous, but the whole imperious thing worked for Grant. It was a dangerous power to possess, and of course the bastard used those powers for evil.

If she wasn’t careful she was going to end up head over heels in love with him, and worse—begging for a collar.

For most of the morning they made notes about what kinds of kink equipment, o-rings, eyebolts, and support beams he would need to order and set up. It was pretty minimal, really. The old-growth trees supplied shelter and sturdy branches could be used as suspension and/or impromptu spanking benches.

During their investigations on the far side of the island, they found a stone altar in a secluded clearing. They paused when they saw it and stared.

“What on earth do you think they used that for?” Grant asked.

Like she knew?

“My first guess is human sacrifice.”

Maybe there’d been award ceremonies here at one time, or workshops in the fresh air?

“People could get married or do collaring ceremonies here,” she suggested.

He ran his hand along the stone, and she didn’t like the gleam in his eyes. “Knowing our friends, it’s more likely they’ll tie down their willing victims here.”

“Well let’s hope it wasn’t used for religious reasons, then. You’d have to warn people about possible lightning strikes before you even set them free to explore.”

“That might put a damper on things, but then, maybe not. There is a subset of kinksters who love a good taboo.”

“Lightning goes way beyond your average violet wand, Master Grant. Don’t go getting any ideas.” She approached the altar more carefully than he had. The thing gave her the willies.

“Maybe this is where they made their sacrifices to the Demon Queen of Mosquitoes.”

“I think the altar is human-sized. You want to hop up there and check the fit? I brought along some rope, just in case.”

“That is quite possibly the creepiest thing anyone’s ever said to me,” she said with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

“It’s a gift.”

“You’re an ass.”

His gaze sharpened alarmingly. “What was that?” he asked quietly. “Did you say you want me to lean you over this pile of rocks and take your ass?”


“Pardon me?”

Uhh . . . Dangerous territory.

She dropped to her knees in the grass. “Master Grant, I would be honored to serve you in whatever way you choose. I should have remembered to bring something to use as lube.”

“Yes, you should have.”

He stared her down, and she waited for him to make the next move, feeling her pussy pulse in response to the threat he posed.