Sighing, she yanked the very thin T-shirt off, making her breasts bounce. His mind blanked completely as his gaze locked on her nipple piercings glinting in the sunlight slanting through the window. When he could finally raise his gaze to her face, her expression was mocking and smug.


“My utensils are at the other end of the table, Master.”

The sarcastic use of his title had him smiling dangerously.

“I guess you should have thought of that,” he said dryly. “Now I get to pretend you’re my cute little pet. Eat. No hands.”

She groaned, her cheeks pinkening. “I’d rather starve.”

“Either you eat, or I cane your pussy.”

“You don’t have a cane here!”

He inclined his head toward the corner where he’d propped the bag and the fiberglass rod.

Upon seeing the green rod, her jaw set. “How am I supposed to eat toast without using my hands?”

“I’ll feed you the toast. You just work on your eggs and bacon.”

She stared at her plate then back at him. “If I wasn’t so hungry I’d take the caning,” she assured him.

“Oh, I’m well aware.” Actually, he was pretty sure she was bluffing, but with Arabella one

never knew.

Awkwardly, she leaned forward from her kneeling position, opening her mouth over the pile of eggs and taking a bite. She chewed and swallowed, then glared at him.

“This is a shitty way to enjoy the food I made.”

“Then maybe you should have made different choices for your morning, little slave.”

Despite her dark glare, he didn’t miss the subtle squirm of her hips. She enjoyed being put in her place just as much as he enjoyed putting her in her place.

Reaching over, he picked up a piece of her toast then tore it into chunks. Possibly risking the tips of his fingers, he offered a bit of bread to her, the butter smearing his fingers. Her head darted forward, and he snatched his hand back, narrowing his eyes at her.

“Bite me and I’ll make you regret it.”

“But Master, what if it’s an accident?”

He chuckled. “Like I’d ever believe that?”

“My life would be so much easier if you were stupid,” she said, sighing melodramatically.


“I guess we both like the challenge. It wouldn’t be any fun if I could trick you into doing what I wanted all the time,” she said grudgingly.

“And you wouldn’t be any fun if you were always a good, obedient girl. I don’t mind having to work for it once in a while.”

“It’s my responsibility as a brat to make sure you don’t get lazy.”

“I’m starting to get the impression I shouldn’t skip workouts either.”

She gasped in mock horror. “Are you threatening me with corporal punishment?”

“My god, woman, would you shut up and eat? My delicious poisoned breakfast is getting cold.”