She stared at him, shocked. Grant had always hated kids.

“Well, I’m not having them for you, so that’s a plan you can make for your next submissive.”

He scowled at her. “How about we don’t talk about our future breakup flippantly like that?”

“If you’re hoping you’re going to change my mind, don’t. This isn’t going to work long term.”


She could tell he was trying to control his breathing—his nostrils flared and his brows were drawn. Nice to know that she could still piss him off without meaning to.

“So are we going back to the mainland to find a pharmacy first thing in the morning?” he asked when he had himself under control.

She grimaced, dreading the turn her mind had taken—this wasn’t something she’d ever planned to do again. “This may sound like a radical idea, but have you ever been fluid bonded to anyone?”

Incredulous hesitation spread across his features. “No, not other than a few blow jobs, back in the day. You?”

“Just my ex. I get tested regularly, and haven’t been with anyone but you in ages.”

“Same with me, except I was never fluid bonded to an ex.”

Her face was burning. So silly to be embarrassed about discussing this when she had absolutely no problem telling a guy to wear a condom. At least he looked like he was feeling awkward too.

“So . . . what do you think?”

“I’m sort of . . . flattered? I think ‘flattered’ is the word, but I’m having trouble thinking past my suddenly raging hard-on.” He chuckled self-consciously. “I hope you’re not expecting a gold medal performance the first few times, if we do this.”

“Fair enough,” she said, all too aware she was full-on blushing at that point. “I’m on the shot, by the way. So if you’re dreaming of starting your full-quiver family with me this week, you’re out of luck.”

He smirked like a creepy pervert. “I’ll just have to keep trying to breed you. The shot wears off eventually.”

How was it even possible to make the word “breed” sound so filthy? She didn’t have a breeding fetish, and didn’t think he did either, but she could see how a person might end up with one.

“You’re such a pervert.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” he said, the heat in his gaze almost too intense for her to bear.

“So you think you’re so manly and virile that your marauding Viking sperm are going to ride up my fjord in their longboats, pillage my uterus, and claim my ovaries as booty?”

“Something like that.” His smile was sexy, confident, and completely evil, and it made her infinitely glad that his sheer male cockiness wasn’t enough to make her contraception fail. She knew he wasn’t in a rush to have kids, but the bragging rights alone would make him impossible for the next fifty years.

Not that they’d be together that long or anything.

“Now I’m patting myself on the back for not bringing condoms, but kicking myself for not bringing my gear.”

“I guess you’ll have to get creative. Out in the middle of nowhere . . . no one to hear me scream . . . no need for condoms. You could go full-out primal.”

“We’ll see where the yellow brick road leads us, Dorothy,” he teased. “Now let’s talk hard limits.”

* * *

* * *

Dex woke to the scrape of something rough along her inner thigh. Something soft brushed over her bare pussy, and then she felt the flick of a tongue over her clit. She gasped, and then whined at the unexpectedness of the sensation, trying to fight her way up out of the deep sleep she’d been in.

Muted daylight poured into the room and for a moment she couldn’t sort out where she was or who was going down on her. She gazed down, catching sight of the top of Grant’s long red hair just a moment before he looked up at her, his eyes half lidded and lazy with lust and sleep as though he’d started going down on her before he was fully awake.

“What are you doing?” she asked stupidly, her voice high and girlish despite herself.