Dex grunted and tapped her pen on the first of many dotted lines.

Every time the company had expanded, Dexter had told herself they would go that big and no bigger. What if this was the time she lost control of things? The brewery was her life’s work—the one thing she had that was entirely hers, other than the house. Without the brewery she wouldn’t be able to keep the house either.

“It’s completely your call, Dex. If you’re serious about not wanting to go ahead with things, I’ll trust your gut instincts. I may throw a bit of a tantrum but I’ll get over it.”

They grimaced at each other. Early on in their days of working together, Andromeda had been a bit difficult. The woman had been used to getting her way, especially with Dexter. It had been a bit of an adjustment having to defer to Dex, but eventually they’d sorted out their working relationship.

Dex let out a low groan. “If you were anyone else, I wouldn’t even entertain this idea.”

“I’m aware.”

“And you’re sure the number the bank quoted us will be enough of a loan to see us through the summer’s expenses?”

Andromeda face lit with an enthusiastic, almost girlish grin. She clapped her hands, too, which made Dex roll her eyes.

“I haven’t said yes yet, and now I’m definitely leaning toward no,” Dex said pointedly.

“I’m pretty sure that while you’re wearing your boss pants you’re not supposed to be so bratty.”

“The nice thing is that because I am the owner, I can be bratty anytime I damn well please.”

“It’s not very professional,” Andromeda said with mock censure.

“Neither is having blue and purple hair, or wearing jeans and a T-shirt to work.”

“Isn’t that Grant’s T-shirt?”

“You know it. He came by my place this morning and reclaimed the one I was wearing at the time. It seemed only right that I wear another one of his today.”

Andromeda laughed and handed her an unchewed pen. “What was he doing at your place so early? You two finally hook up?”

“Me and Grant? That’ll never happen.” She snorted dismissively, hoping the other woman wouldn’t see the lie on her face. What was happening between her and Grant felt better as a secret—telling people would cheapen it. “By the way, I’m headed north with him for a week to look at a business opportunity he wants my opinion on.”

“Uh-huh.” Andromeda smirked. “Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?”

“You shut up.” She threw an eraser at her.

“Seriously, though, we can hold down the fort. It’s not quite busy season yet.”

“Thanks, An.”

“I don’t understand why you two won’t give it a go though.” She gave an elegant shrug and leaned back in her chair. “It didn’t work between you and me for long, but we stayed friends. If I had another best friend I was so in sync with, I don’t know if I could resist the temptation to take it a step further. Or at least to give it a try.”

“So you’d give it a try and then what? What if it didn’t work and you ruined the relationship? Is sex worth the risk?”

Andromeda shrugged, then leaned over the desk to tap the bottom of the contract where Dex was supposed to sign. “The possibility that someone could be my everything would probably be enough incentive for me to risk it.”

“When someone else is your everything, that’s dangerous territory. What happens when it’s over?” The last time it had almost killed

her. No way. Not again.

As Dexter started signing, she listened to the familiar sound of Andromeda brushing her fingertip around the rim of her teacup.

“I guess it would feel a lot like your life was over,” her friend mused.

Dex cursed inwardly as An’s words made her signature wobble. “Yeah, I guess it would feel a lot like that.”

* * *