“You probably should have thought of that before you disobeyed and pissed me off.”

God, could he be any hotter? He really was a sadistic bastard.

“Please, don’t hurt me.”

“I think you like it when I hurt you, Arabella. I think I’m the only man who’s had your number for a long fucking time.”

When she didn’t argue or safeword, he pressed his finger against her anus, forcing her body to accept his invasion. He squeezed a second finger in alongside it without giving her much time to adjust, then the head of his cock was pushing, broaching her slowly, the burning ache of taking his girth making her gasp for breath. Between what little lube there was on the condom and the slickness he’d stolen from her pussy, he shoved into her, inch by inch, until she was panting with the strain of taking him fully into her body.

“Fuck, I hate you,” she whined through clenched teeth.

“Tell me it hurts.”

“It hurts!” More specifically, it burned and ached. His fingers dug into her hips hard enough she knew he would leave bruises there. At least his hand was off her face now. As he withdrew slightly and then took his first thrust, she glanced back. He looked like evil incarnate, his hair having come loose from his braid, a lock of it obscuring part of his face, the gleam in his eyes all unholy lust and sadism.

He shuddered above her after only moments, his gasps of pleasure sending thrills of lust through her body. A ripple of orgasmic pleasure pulsed through her tragically empty pussy, and her ass twitched around him. He swore, then bit the back of her neck over the collar of her shirt, grunting against her skin, trying to control himself. If she didn’t know better, she would have sworn he’d jabbed a red-hot iron poker into her ass, but she could feel him twitch and flex inside her.

Drawing a loud breath, he finally moved again, fucking her with long, hard thrusts. It hurt so good. She screeched and whimpered, trying to grab on to something on the hood of the car to brace herself, but was too short to reach anything helpful.

“Bad girls get used,” he snarled so quietly it was almost under his breath. “You could have been a good girl, Arabella, but you’re always full of bad choices, aren’t you.”

She shuddered, digging her toes into the soles of her shoes, each of his thrusts a reward and a punishment. The agonizing pleasure held her tight, her pussy throbbing and eager and sulky, only wanting release. Her body was rigid, primed for her next orgasm, but before she let go of her control, she remembered she was supposed to ask first, even though it was too late to stop herself.

“Please, can I come?” she panted, knowing it was too late.

He gave a broken laugh and his body seized above her. He groaned as if he was mortally wounded, and even if she hadn’t been close already, the sound of his pleasure would have set her off. She came with long, painful spasms that took forever to subside.

“No,” he murmured in her ear, his voice full of amused sarcasm as his body slumped over her own. “You can’t come. Such a bad girl.”

Crushed to the car beneath him, she tried to laugh, but found herself inexplicably wanting to cry.

Chapter Six

Grant helped Arabella clean up the best they could in the awkward silence of the parking lot, then walked her back into the building to search out the restrooms they’d passed on their way out. He’d hugged her to him before they’d headed back inside, but she’d made a few flippant jokes and pushed him away.

Why was he such an idiot?

After so much time resisting her, he’d finally caved at the worst possible time. The condoms he’d slipped into his pocket when he was leaving his apartment had been too

much of a temptation, maybe, but there was no excuse. He was a grown man, not a hormonal teenager, and definitely not an animal. There was no doing aftercare in a parking lot, and she meant too much to him to have done something this impulsive and stupid. Besides, how was he ever going to get her to commit to him if he caved like this?

Arabella went into the restroom and he stood there awkwardly for a moment, not sure what to do. He paced the hall, then went into the men’s room to wash his hands and get rid of the condom he had wrapped in tissues from Dex’s car.

Tarka walked into the men’s room just as Grant threw the wrapped condom in the garbage. The other man’s expression was amused and Grant wondered if Tak knew what he and Arabella had been doing.

“There you are. Will has been looking for you for about twenty minutes. I told him I saw you and Dex headed out back almost forty-five minutes ago, but the parking lot was empty when I went to check—other than a couple fucking on the hood of a car, way out by the trees. It was hot. You missed the whole thing.”

Grant grunted noncommittally and washed his hands, hoping Tak didn’t notice how red his face was. Under the warm water, his hands burned like fire from spanking Arabella for so long, but he forced himself not to react.

“We went for a walk because the hall was getting too hot. Why was Will looking for me?”

“I think he wanted to make sure you didn’t go home with Juliet’s sister. I told him I saw Sarah giving you her number and he seemed relieved.” Tak chuckled and clapped him on the back. “Just beware, I think that one is looking for something long-term.”

“With me? I doubt it. Women don’t generally think of me that way.” Their conversation was stalled by the howl of the blower while he dried his hands, but Tak didn’t give up.

“Women don’t think of me that way either, but that’s the way I like it,” he said as soon as the dryer stopped.

In the mirror, he saw what a mess his hair was. He pulled the elastic from his braid and combed his fingers through it, wondering if he smelled like sex.