Their guests both laughed politely, evidently deciding that continuing their argument in front of a relative stranger would be rude.

“I’m not always punctual,” Grant admitted. “I’m just starving.”

“Good! I’m making lots. I’ve only ever cooked for one person or fifteen. There is no middle ground.”

Will caught Dex scoping out Juliet’s heart-shaped ass as the latter stirred something on the stove. Dex nodded her approval and gave Will the thumbs-up.

Yeah, the last thing he needed was Dex’s approval on Juliet’s looks. He knew she was hot—he didn’t need a second opinion.

Grant was smart enough not to check her out. Instead, he was studying Dex from beneath lowered lashes.

Whatever was going on was Grant’s problem. Baby brother would have to sort out his own issues.

Right now, he had his own shit to sort out. At the moment, his slave’s hair had to be addressed.

“Slave,” Will said quietly.

He watched that delicious moment as her spine stiffened and a blush flooded up her neck to engulf her face. She waited, obviously hoping he wasn’t speaking to her or that maybe he wouldn’t repeat himself in front of the others.

She turned her head slightly, her gaze wary. He gave her a hand signal, and her sharp intake of breath gave him an inward growl of satisfaction. The other day he’d tried to explain to her how it felt to have her obey, or to make her afraid, or to hurt her, but she was only beginning to understand. Maybe submissives never truly understood it. He’d never fully understood submission either—at least not in the intimate way a submissive would understand it.

She gave a small shake of her head, and for her sake he hoped she didn’t plan on making this difficult. He was far more willing to embarrass her in front of his brother and best friend than she was to be embarrassed, but if she didn’t learn this now it was only going to make her life more difficult.

Not making eye contact with their guests, she walked to him and knelt primly at his feet. He adjusted her posture briefly and watched with fascination as she looked like she would die of embarrassment.

Her breath came in short little gasps, making her breasts jerk and shudder. He wanted haul her over his lap and spank her resistance out of her. Maybe if it were just Dex he might have done it, but the idea of his brother lusting after what was his was unacceptable.

“Maybe you can tell me what was going through your head when you were getting ready.”

She searched his face in desperation, not seeming to make the connection between his displeasure and her hair. Had she taken out the plug? Had she worn underwear? Now he really wanted to check. He patted his lap.

“Up.” He took her hand to steady her as she rose and sat her sideways on his lap, facing their guests. “Did you put your hair up because you didn’t think I’d call you on it or because you wanted me to punish you in front of witnesses?”

Her eyes rounded and her mouth opened slightly as though all of her words had escaped her.

“I . . . I didn’t think you’d mind, because we had company.”

“Because we had company . . . ? What’s the proper way to end that sentence, sunshine?”

“Master,” she whispered in his ear. Saying the word in front of other people, even though they hadn’t heard, brought a fresh blush to her cheeks.

“Maybe next time you’re not sure, you should ask.” Out of the corner of his vision, he saw Grant walk over to the fridge and grab a couple of beers. He cracked them both open and plopped one down in front of Dex. Will almost laughed. Leave it to his asshole brother to make Juliet really feel like a sideshow.

“Do you want me to take my hair down?” she asked meekly. “I could just go upstairs for a second.”

“No.” He put her on her feet again, between his knees. Her whimper of dismay was so quiet and high-pitched he wondered if the others heard it, but of course they had.

Without further objection, Juliet picked the first pin from her hair. Will extended his hand in silent demand to handed over. She laid it in his palm and didn’t even give the impression that she wanted to murder him in his sleep.

Dex whistled. “Wow. You’ve really been working with her.”

“I’m sure it’s easier when you’re working with someone who actually wants to be a good girl,” Grant shot back before Will could reply. Dex had always been an unapologetic brat, but it sounded like Grant was suddenly seeing that as a personal affront. Will didn’t really have time to think about that though. Not when he had Juliet to correct.

“Juliet loves being a good girl—don’t you, Juliet?” Even though he’d phrased it like a question, it wasn’t one.

She dropped the next hairpin into his waiting hand, nibbling her bottom lip in consternation.

“She may like being a good girl,” Dex said, smirking, “but if