“Master, I’m almost naked!” She tugged against his hold on her hair, and he forced her to stay put.

“You’re not naked. Everything is covered. You wore a sexier dress to the restaurant we went to the other night. It was as short as those shorts, and the back was wide open. Remember?” He challenged her with his gaze.

“Master,” she whined. “Do you really want Grant seeing me like this?”

And with those few words, he was growling possessively all over again.

He released her hair and yanked her to her feet, then swatted her ass for good measure.

“Put on the dress I laid out for you. No panties. And don’t you dare take out that plug without my permission.”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered furtively. She bolted from the room and he could hear her quietly taking the steps two at a time. As Grant and Dex came into the room, he was chuckling.

“Who’s coming to the grand opening?” Dex asked, taking her usual seat at the kitchen table. She lazed back in

her chair, looking like a woman well contented with her life—as usual.

Grant, on the other hand, looked like he was having trouble with his blood pressure. From the way he darted his gaze over to Dex and the way again they’d been fighting on the drive over.

What the hell was their problem lately? Will was getting sick and tired of it.

“I was just telling Juliet about the Norwegians.”

Grant scanned the room. “Do you two have a telepathic link or something?”

“Oh, she was here a minute ago, but for some strange reason she didn’t want to hang out and chat with you guys while she was topless.”

“Damn. I miss all the fun,” Dex said, grinning. “But hey, if she wants to meet the Norwegians I’d be more than happy to perform the introductions. Hell, we could double-team the triple team.” She rubbed her hands together melodramatically, her face filled with gleeful anticipation.

“Absolutely not,” Will growled. He knew she was teasing him and yet couldn’t help but rise to the bait.

Dex laughed, looking delighted. “Oh, this is too much fun. You’re actually jealous!”

“Territorial,” he said with as much dignity as he could muster. “There’s a difference.”

“You seriously think she’s going to be interested in hooking up with those guys?” Grant asked. “I’m pretty sure you still scare the crap out of her. Loke, Geir, and Rune would make her hyperventilate and pass out.”

“They’re deliciously scary, but maybe not for a newbie,” Dex agreed, her expression hinting that she might be daydreaming about them.

Grant mumbled, not looking at her.

Dex drummed her hands on the table, grinning.

Not long ago, that kind of lusty sentiment from Dex would have made Grant laugh his ass off. For years, they’d enjoyed an ongoing one-upmanship that often went into gory detail. Now Grant’s scowl made him seem like a pearl-clutching old woman.

“Oh my God,” Dex said, rolling her eyes at Grant. “Chill out, will you? What the hell is your problem lately?”

“You keep asking me that. You’re fucking delusional. If anyone has a problem, it’s you.”

Will watched the train wreck of a conversation in bemused silence even though both of them tried to drag him into it at one point or another. He was definitely not getting involved in this . . . whatever it was.

Silence fell as Juliet walked back into the room. Now, under her apron, she was wearing the dress he’d laid out for her. As she sashayed past he checked for panty lines but didn’t see any.

How could this woman make him horny as a teenager just by walking into a room?

And her hair. The little bitch had put it up in some sort of elaborate twist. Did she think he wouldn’t say anything, or did she enjoy the idea of him exerting his dominance over her in front of an audience?

“Hi,” she said, smiling at his brother and their friend. “I hate to admit it, but I was counting on you being a few minutes late just because of what I know about Will.”