She felt his smile against her forehead, and he kissed her there, making her wonder if it was a sign of true affection or an absentminded dismissal.

He shifted under her, reached into his pants pocket, then put a tiny blue box on the table. Without releasing her, he managed to work the top off of the box, but the contents were hidden by tissue paper.

“I know it’s still early in our relationship, but I was wondering if you would accept a collar from me.” He paused, then rushed to add, “For the time being, at least.”

A collar? Wasn’t that serious?

“I . . . thought collars were a big deal.”

“Well, every collar means something different, depending on the people involved. This would be a commitment that we’ll be exclusive, and work on figuring out our roles and limits together.”

“But . . .”

She could feel him studying her profile.

“If you’re not ready, I understand.”

Ugh. She so wanted him, but she really wasn’t ready to give up the freedom of being childless. Not already. She felt like she’d just moved out of her parents’ house.

“This isn’t an engagement ring, right?” she asked carefully.

“Is it mostly Beau that’s making you hesitate?”

“Sort of,

” she admitted, feeling like an asshole. “That and the fact that I really need to know how much obedience you’re going to expect from me. I mean, I have trouble following orders. I had an orgasm when you told me not to, and I’m not sure I want a serious caning or something as punishment. I don’t know if I’m kinky enough to satisfy a guy like you. What if I embarrass you in front of your patrons because I can’t remember the rules?”

“You? I doubt it. You’ll try your best, but I don’t expect you to be any more perfect than you are already.” He cleared his throat. “As for Beau, there’s no need for you to rush into making a decision. We can keep my family life separate from our relationship for a while yet.”

Okay. That sounded a lot less scary.

The muscles of his legs flexed under her thighs. Was he getting uncomfortable? Impatient?

She really did like him—even more after the conversations tonight. She had feelings for him, too, and it would hurt like hell if he just went off and played with some other girl at the club because they hadn’t defined their relationship.

Did she want him? Yes. Would she wear his collar? Gladly.

“Would I have to wear a big ugly dog collar around everywhere, though? I have to look professional for work.”

He laughed quietly. “Not all collars are collars—or even necklaces, and they don’t have to be ugly or in-your-face. Do you want to see what I’ve chosen before you agree?”

“I’m sure it’s . . .”

With gentle fingers, he brushed back the tissue paper, revealing a diamond art deco bracelet. An antique—it had to be. She couldn’t even begin to fathom how much it must have cost him.

For a long moment, she couldn’t make words come out of her mouth.

“If you don’t like it, I can return it.”

That shook her out of her trance, even though this whole night felt like some weird magic spell had been cast over her. She was a plain, boring girl. Things like this just didn’t happen to her. No one had ever chosen her—they’d sort of just settled for her.

Will had a terrible habit of making her feel irresistible, or special like this. And the way he was looking at her? As if she was some sort of prize? It made her melt.

“Yes. This bracelet, though—it’s too much. Too beautiful.”

“I looked at some other options, but none of them were delicate enough to suit you.” He smiled and fastened it on her wrist. “This one was the only one that made me think of you.”

Beautiful. Elegant. He thought of her that way?