She took a sip of her yet-untouched second glass of wine. When she lowered her glass, Will dipped a finger into her wine, and coaxed it between her lips. All of the banked desire she’d been savoring through dinner flared red hot between them. She flicked the tip of his finger with her tongue, then sucked, making sure to give the digit a few threatening nips.

Will groaned almost silently, but the sound reached her deep down in her panties. The idea of being in trouble for wearing them and getting punished for it made her even hotter.

Finally, he pulled his hand away, his gasp of frustration as she nipped his retreating fingertip making her want to jump over the table at him.

Whatever her expression was telling him, his facial reaction to it was almost violent.

God, he was going to throw her down on the table and fuck her right here, and she really, really wanted him to.

“I guess you should have thought about what you might want later before you plied me with alcohol.” She smirked.

He was on his feet before she could even respond, shoving her face first onto the damask table cloth. Bits of salt and crumbs were gritty against her cheek as he slowly tugged the hem of her dress upward. It wasn’t how she’d foreseen this evening turning out, but she wasn’t about to complain, since it was exactly what she’d been fantasizing about.

“I guess it would be a bad time to mention the wine is nonalcoholic.”

What? She’d felt how strong the wine was from the very first sip.

“It was not! I wouldn’t be feeling it if the wine was nonalcoholic.”

“You’re not drunk, you’re horny.”

She whimpered, trying to figure out how that could be possible. All night she’d felt like her skin was buzzing, and everything he said or did seemed too perfect. Too wonderful. Even now.

There was the sound of a belt being pulled free of its loops and she shivered in anticipation.

“If I were sober, I’d be reminding you that anyone could walk in. I wouldn’t be letting you do this to me.”

“If you were drunk, I wouldn’t bend you over the table in a public place and wrap my belt around your pretty white throat, and yet here we are.” He did exactly as he’d threatened, and the cinching of the warm leather around her neck made her melt. Somehow, there was a hole in his belt right where it should be to make it into a one-piece collar and leash.

“You do this to a lot of women?”

“I punched that hole in my belt before I headed over to your house tonight. Just in case.”

“In case of what?”

He worked the back of her dress farther upward to her waist. She twisted around so she could see his expression. Hot lust had his eyes narrowed to sultry half-mast.

“In case you got out of hand,” he chuckled. “Thigh-highs and cheeky lace panties. I see someone had her own plans for this evening.”

“You weren’t supposed to see those—at least, not here.” The thought that someone may walk in—like the poor waiter—made her want to stand up and pull the hem of her dress back down, but she doubted that he’d allow it unless she used her


How was she feeling like this and yet not drunk? She felt all hot and out of control. Like she’d allow him to do anything. The feel of warm leather encircling her neck shouldn’t be dangerously sexy, it should be wrong and scary.

“We should stop. The waiter could come back.”

“True, the doors aren’t locked. Anyone could walk in and see your luscious ass. Your sexy panties.” He slipped a finger under the leg band and traced her skin just underneath them, stroking downward until he reached her labia. The pressure the belt was putting on her neck stayed tight, yet steady, making her feel deliciously trapped as he pumped a finger into her pussy.

She groaned. She needed to tell him to stop.

She widened her stance, angling her hips to give him easier access.

“My girl is so dirty,” he said, his voice half growl. “You like the idea of getting caught.”

“No.” Her voice came out breathy and not at all convincing—the denial more like a question. The fact that he’d called her his made her feel weirdly elated and incredibly horny.

“I’m going to fuck you fast and hard,” he whispered. “And you’re going to have to be so, so fucking quiet. Understood?”