There was a knock on her door at precisely eight o’clock. Someone was prompt tonight.

Although she’d braced herself for his usual hotness, the sight of him in his custom-tailored dress shirt and pants made her fall back a step. He was huge and imposing, filling her doorway with his broad chest and shoulders, and she could feel her body respond to him even though he hadn’t laid a hand on her yet.

Fuck, he was f


There was fire in his gaze as he checked her out. It was all she could do not to rub up against him like a cat in heat.

“You are . . . very pretty,” she said breathily, then felt like an ass as soon as the words were out of her mouth. Apparently, she’d forgotten to reinstall her verbal filter after her shower. Then again, considering some of the dirtier thoughts she was having, at least she hadn’t said something X-rated.

He eyed her hungrily. From another man, it might have been creepy, but from Will it was a compliment.

“You look edible, as always,” he replied.

“You think about eating me, Hannibal Lecter?”

“That isn’t quite what I meant, but I suppose there’s no real way for two people to be closer.” He winked, then frowned at himself and laughed. “Okay, that probably went straight past edgy, right on through to creepy.”

“Here I thought you were suggesting we play Little Red Riding Hood later.”

“If it’s one of your fetishes, I’d be happy to accommodate.”

She snorted inelegantly, loving that she’d gone from being a kink outsider to one of his people in a matter of weeks. She got the jokes. Maybe not all of them, but it was a start. She definitely didn’t feel as lost as she had on her first trip to the club.

“Are we leaving or would you like to come in?”

He eyed her again as though he wasn’t sure how to answer the question.

“I guess I can save eating you for later, but I wouldn’t want you to feel like dinner was my first choice.”

“I think my ego can handle you needing food.” She stepped toward him, expecting him to retreat out the door so they could leave, but he didn’t budge. “You are going to need your strength, after all,” she teased.

“Oh, am I? I feel like you’re challenging me for some reason.”

“Maybe, but I’d also hate for you to run out of energy partway through something important.”

He grinned nastily. “So kind of you to think of my well-being,” he replied. “I’ll have to keep that in mind later, when I have you at my mercy.”

There was a click, and when Juliet peeked around Will’s shoulder she saw the elderly Mr. Peters peeking out the crack of his door.

She flushed. “Oh, hi, Mr. Peters. Sorry for being so loud in the hallway.” Although they hadn’t been.

“No bother,” the man said, his wizened face creasing into a wide grin. “This conversation just sounded more interesting than the cooking show Genevieve is watching.” He winked at her and gave Will a nod, not bothering to hide the twinkle in his rheumy eyes. He shut the door, and Juliet wondered if it was possible to die of embarrassment, because she was thinking of giving it a shot. She grabbed her handbag.

“Well, he seems nice,” Will teased, moving back so she could step into the hall. “If I’m ever looking to expand my business, maybe I can rent space in your building. I think he might be a good customer.”

Although Will hadn’t actually said what his business was, she smacked his arm then turned to lock the door. She felt him come up behind her, the warmth of his body like an electric charge at her back. He put his hand over hers as she locked the door, and for a moment she was sure he was going to unlock it again and shove her into her apartment. Maybe throw her on the floor and have his way with her only a few feet away from the public hallway. His breath was hot on her ear, and she gave a huge shudder as goose bumps rose on the back of her neck inching up into her hairline. Fuck, he was delicious.

“You wore your hair up.” He nipped the back of her neck and her brain melted and threatened to ooze out her ear. “I bet you’re wearing panties too. Such a bad girl.”

She turned her face to whisper back, “If I were always good, you’d have less reason to punish me.”

“That’s not how this is supposed to work. I’m supposed to train you to be good. Why do you like negative attention, young lady?”

“I’m tired of being a good girl.” She smirked and slid past him, but he caught up quickly. He led her down the stairs, holding her hand to guide her as though she were some sort of lady in a historical romance.

She was confused when they got out to the front of her building and she saw a green Ferrari waiting up front. She looked around for his pickup, but it was nowhere in sight. He pulled a key fob out of his pocket and clicked it. The Ferrari lit up, and she eyed him in surprise.