Oh my.

“You imagine me doing things?”

“Forget I said that.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

“Wow, actual adult dinner time? Fancy. What should I wear?”

“That depends on whether you want to get to the restaurant before I try to seduce you.”

Try? He was giving her willpower where he was concerned too much credit.

She shouldn’t go, but memories of cocky smiles and earth-shattering orgasms made refusing impossible.

Ugh. This was such a bad idea. Wasn’t she supposed to stay away from him? And now he wanted to talk exclusivity? She could play it off like she was just having a good time, but if she wasn’t careful she was going to get hopelessly attached and either end up parenting, which she’d never wanted to do, or breaking her heart into a billion little pieces.

“Fine. I’ll go out for dinner with you, but you can’t make me like it.”

His chuckle was intimate and filthy. “Challenge accepted.”

Chapter Fifteen

Kiara’s mom grimaced as she passed Will, pushing her stroller the other way.

“Back to watch the sea otters?” he asked.

“They’re her favorite.” She stopped and turned back to face him with a sunny smile. She was pretty in a rushed-mom way—sloppy clothes, messy bun. It reminded Will of himself lately, but with shorter hair and without the yoga pants. Parenting chic. “We’re here often enough I figure we own a stroller parking spot right in front of the best window.”

Kiara kicked her feet impatiently and grunted, pointing with both hands in the direction of the sea otter tank.

“Wait for it. Yours will be doing the same thing in a few months.”

“I think Beau likes the sharks the best.”

“Typical man.” Kiara’s mom—Shae?—rolled her eyes and laughed. “You all want your kid to be the coolest.”

He’d sort of noticed that about himself but had hoped no one else had.

“Don’t bother denying it,” she continued. “The little baby Fitte hoodie was a bit of a giveaway.”

“She loves Fitte. They’re her favorite band.”

“Uh-huh.” She winked at him and sauntered off, chuckling.

“And they teach you bad words in Norwegian, don’t they?” he said to Beau, who was gazing up at him adoringly. “It’s like homeschooling, right, kid?”

From the edge of his vision, Will could see Grant on his way over.

“There you are,” Grant grumbled as he reached him. His brother looked harried, and he pushed his hair back with an annoyed jerk of his hand. “Did you know you to have to pay to get in here? I don’t even have a kid with me. Do they honestly think adults come here for their own amusement?”

Will smirked at Grant’s sour expression. “You haven’t been short of money in years, asshole, and some people do come here without kids. People even come here on dates.”

Grant barked a laugh. “Here? Dating is stupid enough as it is. It’s an irritating speed bump on the way to the main event.”

“Wow,” Will said, feigning surprise. “Such a romantic. Hard to figure out why you’re single.”

“I’m single because I haven’t met a woman who’s worth banging twice. At least not in a long while.”

“Maybe if you tried talking to them a little you’d find them more interesting.”