“A man’s voice is a big indicator of hotness.” Sadie raised her immaculate brows in a knowing way. “So . . . dude . . . my sister thinks you’re cute. Guys were trying to pick her up all night and she turned them all down. I must have details on how you ruined her for other men.”

Juliet tried to swipe her phone back, but Sadie leaned away.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to be more specific.” Sadie’s eyes widened in scandalized surprise at something Will said, and her mouth dropped open. “Oh, I like this one, Juliet.”

“Give me the damn phone, jackass.” She finally managed to yank it out of Sadie’s hand and swatted her away when she made grabby hands to take it back.

“I’m so sorry, Will,” Juliet said, hoping her words didn’t sound slurred.

He chuckled, and the sound did warm and terrifying things to her insides. “I’m just glad I didn’t say anything lewd when I answered, considering it came up as your number.”

“I know. She’s such a brat. Sorry. One sec.”

They pulled up to the curb at Sadie’s, and Scott came down the walk in case she needed help inside. Juliet half shoved Sadie out the cab door and affectionately gave Scott the finger, which he returned, before the cab headed toward her place.

“You went out tonight?” Will asked, his tone amused.

“To a dance club. Sadie needs to get out once in a while. All she does is work and take care of the kids.”

He laughed. “That’s starting to sound very familiar.”

“If you hire the nanny you were interviewing, you’d be able to go out sometimes.”

“I did hire her. I have to go into the office every few days, and I’d rather not bring Beau there.”


“So . . . how was your night?”

“In the interests of full disclosure, I may be a little drunk.”

“So this is a great time to grill you with questions, then.”

“No!” She stifled a terribly undignified giggle.

“Wonder Woman’s lasso of truth has nothing on . . . hmm . . . I’m guessing Sex on a Beach.”

“Nope, mojitos. I’ve never tried Sex on a Beach.”

“It’s not that great. Chafey. I’ll have to show you sometime.” His voice was low and thick, as though he’d been woken from sleep when Sadie had called. Juliet could imagine him sprawled on his big bed, his sheet barely covering him. “So tell me, why are you really going home alone?”

She groaned. “I’m not answering that in front of my cabbie.”

“Awww,” the driver complained. Grinning at the driver in the rearview mirror, Juliet flipped him off, too, and he laughed.

“What you’re going to do is hang up and call me when you get home.” Will’s words were soft and persuasive and made her squirm in her seat.

Looking out into the dark, she found herself grinning. Stupid. She knew this wasn’t going to go anywhere, but he was fun and sexy. All she could think about was how it had felt being in the bed of a man who blew her mind instead of bored her to tears. No matter how many dirty things he did to her, he still managed to make her feel beautiful. That was a dangerous talent, and she was getting addicted to it. And maybe to him.

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

They hung up, and a few minutes later the driver dropped her off at her condo. She tried not to rush up to her place, but it was hard not to, considering she knew he was waiting for her to call back. Why couldn’t she play it cool with this guy? He got her rattled so easily.

Before she called him back, she ran to the bathroom, peed, and unpinned her hair and brushed it. So silly. But even though she knew it was ridiculous, the act of taking down her hair to please him even though he wouldn’t see her did weird

things to her head.

She settled onto the couch and dialed his number, cheeks burning.