“So help me Grant, I’ll fucking kill you.”

“Ahh, she is. Good to know.”

Beau started cooing.

“Beau is telling you to keep it in your pants and leave her nanny alone, Uncle Grant.”

Grant looked at Beau, aghast. “Oh, fuck! I’m an uncle.” He grimaced. “You really should have thought this out. I’m not a good influence.”

“You’re going to have to work on that if you want to hang out with us.”

Grant frowned at Beau. “You’re lucky you’re cute, Bilbo Baggins.”

Chapter Fourteen

The twins were fussing by the time Sadie got out of the shower.

“The whole time?” her sister asked.

“Yup,” Juliet replied, handing pudgy Mr. Leo to her sister.

Sadie took the baby and smiled the beatific smile of a woman who knew she could not be replaced. “They missed me. Can you blame them?” She winked.

Juliet jiggled Eli on her hip then handed him to Scotty. “They’ll miss you more after we leave.” She gestured for her sister to hand Leo over to Scotty too.

Her sister sighed and gave the babies a look of longing. “But I worked all day. Why does mom’s night out always end up including doing shit? Mom’s night out should be about naps.”

“You’re going out to nap?” Scotty asked. “Are you going to pick up some strange man and make him cuddle, too?”

“Honey, can I have a hall pass to cuddle strange men?”

“Uh-unh. No. Mine.” He crowded into Sadie, kissing her, making her giggle just as the babies started grabbing for her. Leo went straight for her towel, and Sadie grabbed it to stop it from falling off. “I paid him to do that,” her husband said, waggling his brows.

“Ew, gross, you two.” Juliet made a gagging noise. “Maybe you should go out and I’ll stay here with the kids.”

“No, no, no,” Scott insisted. “You are to take my wife out for drinks and to make sure she behaves.”

“Oh God, it’s her college years all over again.” Juliet laughed. “Although as I recall, you didn’t seem to mind babysitting her when she was drunk for some strange reason, Scott.”

“There were perks to being the older sister’s best friend. I was just off-limits enough for adorable little Sadie to find me interesting.” He grinned. “But I was a complete gentleman.”

“You were, no matter what I did!” Sadie complained. “Frustrating man. I could tell you liked me.”

“I don’t take advantage of drunk girls, even if they’re literally begging me to.” He shrugged.

“Hey! I don’t beg.”

“You do—you just develop convenient amnesia afterward.”

“Oh my God. Shut up.” Sadie clamped a hand over his mouth and then grimaced when he licked her palm.

“Okay . . . maybe I should watch the boys while you two rent a hotel room?” Juliet suggeste


Scott shooed his wife to go get ready, then almost changed his mind about her leaving the house when she came back out wearing a slinky black dress, and with her pretty hair twisted up off her neck. They made it out the door before she needed another shower and Juliet needed eye bleach, but just barely.

The club they often went to was starting to make Juliet feel old. Even though she was only twenty-six, she could have sworn a lot of the other patrons were underage. Then again, the doorman had barely glanced at Sadie’s ID as they’d come in, and she still looked like she was in high school. Shoddy. Will would never stand for that kind of laxness at his club.