“What are you . . .” she squeaked, her gaze darting from him to the baby, then back to him.

He took her hand and laid the collar across her palm. The bell tinkled, reminding him of the sound it had made when he’d been driving his cock into her from behind the night before, but it didn’t sound as good as it did when it was paired with her whimpers of pain or pleasure. Or both.

“A memento,” he said, closing her fingers around the soft leather. He’d bought it for her—he wasn’t about to give it to someone else.

Her pretty blue eyes rounded, and he claimed her lips one last time. She melted under his kiss, and he poured all of his regard and regret into it. She was a woman worth having, and if she decided to seek out another Dominant, the guy would be one lucky bastard.

He broke the kiss before she could, then gave her a long look before turning his back and taking Beau out of her chair. Silently, he led Juliet to the front door.

“What you presented last night is perfect, as long as you include the adjus

tments I explained for the washrooms and the last two private rooms upstairs,” he said, using his business persona to cover the morose feeling of loss that came with letting her leave.

He hadn’t had a lover since Bethany had cheated on him, wanting to make sure he had his head on straight. Now he’d gone and set his mind on a woman he couldn’t have. Maybe he needed to talk to a therapist.

“Tell your brothers they can start work in a week. That’ll give us time to warn members that we’ll be closing down for the time being.”

“We’ll try to make sure you don’t have too much downtime. We know that every day you’re closed is money lost.”

Like he cared about money anymore. They’d shown their family that they didn’t need them, but it was a hollow victory. His father and Charlotte didn’t care.

He nodded, watching as she slipped on her shoes at the door. When she straightened, he shook her hand.

“It was a pleasure doing business with you, Juliet.”

Her cheeks flamed, and he realized that statement had probably sounded off. He was feeling off, though, and hiding behind a shield of words was only so effective.

“Good-bye, Will.” She opened the door and let herself out.

He watched her walk down the steps and get into her BMW. Although she held her head high, he could see the strain in her shoulders.

Maybe she felt as shitty as he did.

Chapter Thirteen

“This is a good look. I think you should roll with it.” Dex looked around at the uniformed construction workers buzzing with activity around the main room of Catacombs, and nodded in approval. “Me likey. The skim coat they put over the concrete is beautiful.”

“Why are you even here, Arabella?” Grant grumbled, apparently using her first name just to irritate her. He flicked his long red hair back. He’d always been irresponsible and a joker, but lately he’d been super fucking moody, especially when Dex was around.

“Because your brother is my best friend, jerkface. You used to be my other one, remember?”

“Nah,” Grant replied, flattening his lips in distaste. “You’ve been a bitch for so long, I forget what it was like when you were cool.”

“Fuck you too.”

“In your dreams.”


“Grant, stop being a dick.” William wasn’t sure how many times he’d said that in his life, but it was starting to feel like his personal motto.

“Then tell Pocket Xena here to quit getting in my face.”

Will sighed heavily. “She’s not getting in your face. She didn’t even say anything to you or about you.”

“This is business shit. She doesn’t belong here for this.”

“Since our businesses are linked and she is my best friend, she sure as hell does belong here. You’re just annoyed she doesn’t trot around after you like a hungry stray puppy anymore.”