“So tying a girl up and hitting her is okay, but having sex with her isn’t? I got the impression it was your lack of attraction to me that was the issue, not your morals.”

He shifted her over until she felt the hard bar of his cock against her butt cheek. With all of his manhanding, there was no dress fabric left between her ass and his jeans.

“My attraction to you isn’t the issue, sunshine. The fact that we were moving too fast was the issue. It seemed like you’d hit subspace, and I didn’t want you to make the decision to sleep with me while you were flying like that. That’s a decision I want you to make when you have time to think straight.”

She sat up and met his gaze. “I had made that decision beforehand, but now I’ve realized it was a bad one.” She got off his lap, and brushed the back of her dress down. He’d probably gotten an eyeful of her bare bottom as she’d gotten to her feet. Maybe it would distract him from the wet spot she was pretty sure she’d left on his jeans. “So thanks for saving me from myself.”

Chapter Six

“Okay.” He stood, too, fully aware of the cooling wet splotch she’d made on his thigh. For a moment he considered insisting she pull up the scandalously short sundress she was wearing and show him her naked pussy. It wouldn’t be terrible for him to taste her again, would it? His cock twitched impatiently, but he wasn’t about to push his luck today.

Standing in the middle of the room absently twirling a lock of her hair, she looked very lost—and very sweet.

“Thank you for letting me in, Juliet.” He wanted to pull her close again, and maybe to kiss those soft lips of hers. Although she claimed she was vanilla, she kept giving him all of the reactions he craved. She was so innocent about kinky shit, and yet had let him do more than he ever would have expected. Brave and adventurous, once she let her hair down.

“Uh . . . you threatened to break down the door if I didn’t let you in.” She jerked a thumb at the door. “I figured it was better to open up rather than have the neighbors call the cops—or worse, the condo association.”

“You could have called the police instead.”

She frowned, her brows drawing into a dour line.

“I won’t deny that seeing you in handcuffs would be poetic justice.”

He didn’t respond to that, even though he wanted to throw back something that would ratchet up the tension again. She’d felt too good pressed between him and the wall, and the faint scent of her arousal was making it difficult to do the right thing.

“I’ll see you at our next appointment then, I guess—unless you choose to come by and visit me before that. I’ll be at home most of the time, but I can meet you at the club within about half an hour to forty-five minutes.”

“You don’t live at the club?”

He chuckled. “No. I used to, when Grant and I had just opened the place. We were dirt poor for about a year. I just bought my house about six months ago, and I’m renovating that too.”

“You don’t need Stride for that project?”

“Are you angling to get an invitation to my place? You could just be direct about it. I’ll give you a personal tour any time you like.”

“Wow. Skeevy.”

“That’s me.” He flashed his best Dominant smile and she blinked at him with undisguised longing. Using the last of his self-control, he turned and left her apartment, getting away from the woman before he did something she’d probably regret again tomorrow.

She needed to figure out what she wanted without pressure from him.

It was no secret he didn’t fit into her professional image the way a real boyfriend would, but it wasn’t like he was looking for anything long-term.

He got to his truck and sank back into his seat, rearranging his uncomfortably bent hard-on before he even put the key in the ignition.

Juliet, the little brat, seemed hell-bent on driving him to distraction. It was at the point where he wasn’t sure if he just wanted to toy with her and bed her, or if he also wanted to hang out with her. She was confusing. She’d be fun to talk to, then all of a sudden she’d get all priggish. It made him want to spank her yet again.

Spanking her had been nice.

The feel of that silky skin heating under his hand. Her whines and the way she wriggled against him. There was something about her that made him want to give her orgasms until she cried and begged for him to stop.

Hopefully, he didn’t get attached to her. He didn’t want to see anyone seriously again. Not yet.

The last long-term relationship he’d been in had been a disaster by the end, but hooking up casually wasn’t working out for him either. He hadn’t been lying when he’d told Juliet he didn’t fuck on the first date, but he also hadn’t told her he hadn’t been on a second date in a long fucking time.

Forcing himself to clear thoughts of Juliet from his mind, he found himself thinking about Bethany, again mulling over where he’d gone wrong. They’d been drifting apart for months when she’d gone on that business trip, so maybe the affair had been inevitable. There’d been no fixing things after that.

Not with another man’s baby in her belly.