“Will is sorry he rushed you, and he feels like shit about it.” Dex pressed her lips together as though she wasn’t happy with him.


“He’s a good guy, you know, and a good Dominant.”

Whatever. She didn’t plan to see him again unless she couldn’t get out of it for work. She’d get someone else to be their go-between.

Juliet straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin, determined to lie to the world outside the washroom door with her posture. Dex insisted on putting her number in Juliet’s phone, and then Juliet walked haughtily through the club and out the front door to the cab, determined not to seem like she was doing the walk of shame.

She managed to avoid any more crying until her apartment door was safely locked behind her.

Chapter Five

At about two o’clock the next day, Scotty let himself into Juliet’s apartment. She heard the telltale stomp of his work boots through her condo and burrowed farther under the covers.

“Juliet, what the fuck?”

She closed her eyes tighter. This was the problem with family businesses—everything that happened at work or at home was everyone else’s business.

“I’m not buying that you’re asleep. Get the fuck up. Ryan and Ethan are losing their shit.”

“What happened?” Her brothers were normally laid back. They tended to save losing their shit for special occasions.

“Ellis called wanting to know when he could expect to get a call back. He said he couldn’t reach you, and he’s raising a big fucking stink.” The wicker settee in the corner groaned as he settled his muscle-bound bulk onto the delicate piece.

“Could you please just have someone tell him I died?”

“Why? Is he being a pain in the ass?”

She covered her eyes with her arm. “You could say that.”

Scotty paused a moment, then whistled. “I’ll tell everyone you have a migraine.”

“You know I don’t get migraines.”


“Maybe that’ll throw them off the trail.”

There was a long moment of silence, then he sighed when the penny dropped. “Really, Juliet? I’d expect this from Ryan or Ethan, and maybe even Emma, or even from the old me, but from you?”

She whipped a pillow at him and it smacked him in the face. He laughed.

“I can’t believe you fucked him.”

“It was an accident!” And it hadn’t exactly been sex, but she didn’t want to explain.

“Accidental sex isn’t really a thing.” He was killing himself laughing. Juliet was pretty sure she could smother the six-foot-two former linebacker if she limbered up first.

“Remind me again why I ever let you marry my sister?”

“Because you knew I’d be good to her?”

“More like because I knew she’d stop you from whoring around and getting murdered by some jealous husband.”

His handsome face twisted in disgust. “I was such an asshole. If Sadie ever cheated on me, with someone like the old me, I’d need therapy.” He shook his head, looking as guilty as her parents’ old dog did when he peed on the carpet.

“The married women you were with made their own choices.”