“You were expecting a fight?”

“I wasn’t sure.” She lifted Beau higher and kissed her cheek, then nuzzled it, the gesture so tender and maternal that it flooded Will with contentment. The baby slept on, oblivious to the discussion that was going to change her life forever.

Beau had a mother again.

He was glad he had enough self-control to quell most of the emotion that threatened to spill over, but he still found himself wiping at his eyes a little.

“Before we get ahead of ourselves and start discussing the terms of our possible future divorce, maybe I should get this ring on your finger?” He pulled the ring out of the pocket of his track pants, glad he managed to get it out smoothly despite the fact that he was sitting down. “I’m not done loving you yet.”

“This . . . now?” she asked, incredulous. This time he could tell her hesitation was definitely just surprise. Her cheeks went pink. “You don’t want to wait until you’re better?”

“I tried for romance the first time, and apparently I suck at it.” He beckoned to her, and she immediately came to him, cradling Beau in her arms, and knelt automatically at his feet out of force of habit. He stared down into her lovely blue eyes, made even bluer by their red rims. Tears slid down her cheeks, unchecked.

“I think we have this backward,” he pointed out. “I’m the one who’s supposed to be kneeling.”

“Oh!” Her laugh was watery and sweet, and he leaned down to kiss her even though it put pressure on his sore abdomen. “I guess it’s appropriate, though, considering.”

True enough.

He drew her left hand into his, and slipped the diamond onto her finger.

“So, is that a yes, Juliet Callahan?”

“Well, I guess it’s too late to say no now, Master William.”

“That’s right, slave. Get used to the idea, because it’s happening.”

She burst out laughing. “Yes, Master.”

He grinned back at her, happier than he had any right to be.

Fuck, she was perfect.

Keep reading for a preview of the next book in the Masters Unleashed series


Coming soon from InterMix

“Will you come to my office with me?” Grant asked carefully. “Nothing sketchy, I promise.”

“Hey, I’m all about sketchy.”

“I heard that about you.”

She grinned at him and would have shoulder checked him for old time’s sake, but the fact that she wasn’t wearing anything on her upper half other than Xs of electrical tape over her nipples made her feel like it might be inappropriate, considering. She deliberated whether to go back to the change room to grab a shirt, but decided not to bother. If he couldn’t handle it, that was his problem. It wasn’t like she had anything he hadn’t seen before.

Since the remodel, his office was now on the other side of the main hall. She kept forgetting that—probably because she hadn’t been welcome in his space for a while now.

“I don’t even think I’ve set foot in your new office yet,” she admitted. That was a sad statement considering the fact that the reopening had been months ago.

“No one has been in my office except for Will. Hell, I’ve barely spent any time in there.”

“Hard to believe we used to play poker in your office at least once a week.”

“I guess sometimes when life changes it’s fast and in completely unexpected directions.”

Was he talking about them, about Will inheriting Bethany’s baby, or about something else entirely? It was hard to know. Maybe he was referring to all of it.