“Some. Most of it was very clinical,” she lied, “and didn’t give me an idea of what would be good for your remodel. I tried watching a few videos, but I’m pretty sure they gave me gray hair.”

He smiled, but this time he was laughing with her instead of at her—it made a big difference. “You have to remember that there are varying levels of intensity when it comes to pretty much anything. Most of the time whatever happens between people is negotiated. The Dominant will know the submissive’s hard limits, and the submissive knows they can safeword if things get too intense for them.”

“I guess you’d have to be really careful about that for legal reasons.”

“Exactly. Also, for people like me, the best part of the dynamic is knowing the person you’re with has agreed to what you’re doing. There’s a certain pleasure in knowing the other person trusts you enough to let go of their control.”


But Juliet didn’t let go of her control. That just wasn’t who she was.

Chapter Three

Will could tell she was nervous—the tension in her body gave her away. Was it a reaction to the idea of going to the club, or a reaction to him? Either way it was adorable. He didn’t usually find vanilla women interesting, but the fact that this one was so attracted to him and yet seemed to find him exasperating made her far more fascinating than she should have been.

Oh, and she was hot, in a sedate kind of way. Like she had the potential to be a femme fatale, but no one had ever let her in on that secret. She was a blonde, but the natural, wholesome kind that made him think of sunshine and fresh air, instead of Botox and porn. He liked the latter just fine, but her freshness was adorable. There was a hint of innocence about her that made him want to spoil it.

Wow, he was an asshole sometimes.

/> His lips quirked.


“Juliet, I think I made it pretty clear that when you’re with me, you’re not allowed to wear your hair up.”

She glared at him. “This isn’t a date, Mr. Ellis. This is research.” She uncrossed then recrossed her legs in annoyance, and it was impossible for him not to notice again exactly how lovely they were. Too bad her gorgeous face and body were matched with such an uptight mind. Then again, without that natural reserve, she wouldn’t be quite so innocent at her age.

“No, it’s not a date, but if you’re walking into the club with me, people will assume we’re together. I can’t have them thinking I’ve hooked up with a Dominant who’s into naughty librarian roleplay.”

“You wouldn’t want them to think a woman was bossing you around, you mean.”

“I think people there are well aware that’s not my thing, but I can’t be too careful.”

She rolled her eyes, and yet she picked the pins out of her hair until it tumbled down around her shoulders. He watched the process out of the corner of his eye, enjoying the game with her far too much. She was even more beautiful when she was quiet and obedient.

Such long, pretty hair. He’d never been especially attracted to blondes, but for this one his lust had made an exception. It was a crime she wore her hair up—it made her look so severe. With her hair down she went from really pretty to smoking fucking hot.

No, having her take her hair down had absolutely nothing to do with his street cred and everything to do with the fact that he wanted to look at her with it down. If he got the chance, he was going to show her how kinky she was, then he’d set her free. Catch and release. Maybe once she knew herself better, she’d be less fucking uptight.

“Is what I’m wearing okay?” she asked, tugging her hem lower on her thighs.

“If you’re trying to host a funeral, sure. You could have some fun instead.”

Her brows rose as she watched the road. “Like, do a . . . spectacle? Wait. That’s not the right word.”

“A scene?” he asked. He groaned inwardly. She was so fucking green.

“Yes, that.”

“If you want to, you can. I’m sure I can find someone to top you.”

Her gaze slid to him and he pretended not to notice.

“But I won’t know anyone there but you.”

“You’ve met Grant.” Like he’d let fucking Grant near her? Grant would eat his naive little ray of sunshine alive. Well, she wasn’t his . . . but she sure as hell wasn’t going to be Grant’s.

He pulled around to his private spot at the back of the lot and parked.