“It’s true what Scott said at your parents’ party.”

Cool, he’d gotten through his segue without his voice shaking. Good, good.

She sipped from her glass and arched a brow. “Oh? And what was that? I’m almost afraid to ask.”

“That no one is actually good enough for you and that all I can do is try.”

She rolled her eyes. “There’s no need to butter me up. I already offered to help with Beau.”

Okay, maybe he’d blown the timing.

“I’m serious, Juliet. I know the last thing in the world you wanted to

do in your personal life was take care of another baby and yet every time I turn around you’re helping me out. You don’t have to, and yet you do it.”

“You’re lucky she’s an easy baby.” Her tone was teasing. “If she was colicky or a biter, you’d be on your own, buddy.”

This proposal wasn’t supposed to be about Beau. He tried to think of how to steer the conversation back to Juliet.

“It’s hard to believe that when you walked into my club that first day I thought you were a stuck-up little bitch. Albeit a hot, stuck-up little bitch. At least I got the ‘hot’ part right.”

Shit. Were guys supposed to use the word “bitch” in a marriage proposal? Probably not.

Her eyes gleamed with amusement. “Oh, I’m a bitch, all right. I just live in terror of you and your nasty belt, Master,” she teased.

Maybe he should wait a few minutes. He was losing his nerve.

“Yes, I can tell how terrified you are of me by the way you force-fed me broccoli at supper last night.”

She started to laugh, but then stifled her mirth with her hand when she caught sight of his expression.

“I can’t believe that you—a grown man—had never tried broccoli before.”

“And I was right all along. There was never any reason to eat that shit.”

“It’s good!”

“Broccoli is used as a torture device in some countries. They tie up prisoners and force-feed them big nasty sprigs of it.”

“Kinky.” She grinned.

“No . . . that’s not kinky. I’ll show you kinky later.”

“Promises, promises.” She gave him a bratty look that was far too obviously something she’d picked up from Dex.

“I really need to stop letting you hang out with Dex.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Master.” She fluttered her lashes, and he snorted. “Is your slave not pleasing?”

“Oh, you’ll be pleasing me later, slave,” he whispered, thoroughly enjoying the way she bit her bottom lip in both anticipation and consternation. “And suddenly her bratty mood has passed. Go figure.”

“It’ll be interesting having the house to ourselves while Tabitha is gone to Seattle. Good thing Beau sleeps like a rock.”

A slight breeze stirred her spun-gold hair, making it shimmer in the light of the lanterns. Up here, in this lighting, Juliet looked like an elfin princess. She didn’t even need a fancy filter. The dress she wore was simple, as was everything she’d chosen when he’d insisted on buying her a new club wardrobe. As much as he liked to tie her up or put her wrists in cuffs, hard-core bondage harnesses and things like that didn’t suit her the way this did. She was too innocent-looking for leather. Instead, she’d chosen an array of diaphanous dresses that clung to her beautiful body. Classy yet sexy.


He realized he’d been staring at her and had probably missed something she’d said. “What?” he replied stupidly.