“But all of the women here call you sir,” she replied in Russian, smirking. “With you it just seems to happen, even though you’re not an old man.” She shrugged as though she had no intention of stopping now, and he was just going to have to learn to live with it.

Konstantin itched to spank her a little. He thought of pulling her over his lap and giving her a few swats, just to get her to mind her manners. An introduction to D/s. He refused to think about pulling down the ugly panties she was probably wearing and listening to her cries of dismay as he did it. His dick started to get hard, and he forced himself to look away from her.

How did vanilla men handle situations like this? Did they just let their women sass them? It was hard to know what to do. She didn’t have a safeword. She didn’t even know what a safeword was.

“Go try on the next one, and hand that one out to me,” he ordered gruffly.

As though she knew what he was thinking, she did as she was told. The next dress didn’t suit her as well. It looked as if she’d borrowed it from her mother.

“Too big. Next.”

She nodded and went back into the fitting room, and he realized he hadn’t waited for her to say whether she’d liked it or not. He was too used to being in control and her submissive behavior fed into that too well. But there’d be time to get her opinions another day. For now he’d have to decide what was appropriate, so they could at least go out in public.

Eventually, she had tried on everything, then frowned at him, looking exhausted.

He brought their purchases to the cashier, and as the woman rang them through, Varushka tugged on his sleeve.

“All of them?” she whispered in Russian.

“Yes. And after we have lunch, we will be shopping for shoes and . . . other things.” His itemization of her suitcase had revealed that she owned two bras, both white, and maybe seven pairs of dowdy white underwear that looked like they had been ironed and possibly starched. He understood that money had been tight, but it was almost like no one had ever told Varushka she wasn’t a child anymore. Lingerie shopping was going to be a bit of an eye-opener for her. And he was seriously looking forward to it.

They ate in a little mall restaurant, and he found himself telling Varushka all about his custom car businesses, unable to stop himself from blathering on because she listened so attentively. She looked fascinated by the entire enterprise. Either that, or she was used to humoring people.

Shoe shopping, however, was like pulling teeth. She balked at anything with a heel, and kept gravitating toward the men’s shoes, pointing out that they looked like they’d last longer. In the women’s section, she was lured by anything frumpy and flat. In the end, he bought a few pairs of shoes that she liked, but added several delicate pairs of flats and some kitten heels to the stack of boxes. She looked at the tower of shoes with mournful eyes.

“It’s okay,” he said. “I’ll help you practice walking in them, and if you really don’t like them you never have to wear them.”

“It’s not that. I’m sure I can learn. It’s just, what woman needs eight pairs of shoes? I only have two feet.”

Konstantin laughed out loud. She had to be the first woman ever to say those words. When the store clerk looked at him questioningly, Konstantin translated. The woman smiled kindly at Varushka.

“Believe me, women in America need more than eight pairs of shoes.”

Varushka didn’t think it was very funny.

When he walked her into the lingerie store, she looked around, then turned and glared at him. Her cheeks reddened. “Out!” She made a shooing motion, then pointed at a bench across the hall. “You wait there until I tell you to come pay. This is not a store for men.”

He arched brow at her and was pleased when she dropped her gaze. “You don’t tell your husband where to go, little Varushka. If I leave you alone in here, you’ll come out with more things not even my grandmother should wear.”

Slowly, she nodded, keeping her gaze on the floor.

He walked ahead and she followed him through the store, looking mortified. Maybe he should have sent her with Kate or Everly, but she needed these things sooner rather than later.

In a lingerie store, Konstantin was in his element. He ignored the clerks who eyed Varushka disapprovingly. Apparently dirty old men buying pretty panties for Lolitas was frowned upon here. He almost felt like he needed to buy Varushka a T-shirt that proclaimed her age.

Despite her protests, he had her properly measured by a clerk. The squeaks of dismay that came from the dressing room might have turned him on if he’d let them, but he told his libido to shut up.

An hour later they left the store with a rainbow of matching bra and panty sets. It was amazing how many pairs of tiny underwear could fit into a big lingerie store bag. Varushka insisted on carrying the bag herself, and she had a hard time looking him in the eye as they walked to the car, even though he hadn’t actually seen anything on her. The fact that he knew she now owned sexy underwear seemed to be enough to embarrass the hell out of her. And it amused the hell out of him.

“The girls in the stores don’t have hair like mine,” she remarked as he helped her into the car.

Konstantin was smart enough not to look over at her hair. At least she’d noticed it herself. “No, but you don’t have to change it if you don’t want to. It’s up to you. Do you want me to call my friend to do it differently?”

“Yes, please, Sir. I don’t want to look like a village girl here.”

Sir. It would probably be bad form to order a virgin to give him a blow job in a parking lot, but that word coming from her mouth was starting to make him twitchy.

He called Everly before he acted on any of the bad ideas streaming through his head. She sounded alarmingly eager to meet Varushka. They were going to meet sooner or later. It was better if he got it over with.