“Yes. I told her last year and she boxed my ears for it.” He chuckled, but it was a sad sound, full of self-loathing. “Losing her respect was worse than going to jail.”

She sighed. Either she could accept this or she couldn’t. It happened and it wouldn’t happen again. “You didn’t hurt anyone?”

“Not physically, no, but theft isn’t a victimless crime. I’m sure my actions hurt people along the way. I don’t even know who they were, otherwise I’d try to make amends.” She imagined him sneaking up to people’s houses and leaving wads of cash in their mailboxes with a note of apology. “I just didn’t want to go into a foster care group home, and I sure as hell didn’t want to get sent back to Russia. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

Varushka picked a piece of straw from the pile and chewed on the end of it. “I forgive you. It was a long time ago. You’re not a criminal now, though, right? I won’t tell on you, but I don’t want to marry a man like that.”

“No, I’m not a criminal now.” He paused, then continued in a more suggestive tone. “Other than several things I’m wishing I could do to you right now, which may or may not be illegal in Russia.”

“Oh? And what would you do to poor little me if you were here in Russia?” she mocked, sucking on the piece of straw, wishing she was close enough to suck on him instead. It was amazing how fast he’d transferred her oral fixation to his cock. Terrible man.

“First of all, I’d find out what you’ve got in your mouth. I’m jealous.”

She blushed and laughed slyly when she thought of a turn of phrase he liked to use. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“You’ll show me when I get there,” he said, no doubt at all in his voice. “And then we’ll have to find a way to sneak off so you can show me in a more personal way.”

“Dirty!” she whispered, giggling. “If you come here, you’re not allowed to do things like that to me. We’ll get caught.”

“Hmm. Maybe I’ll put a collar and leash on you and walk you around town so everyone knows who owns you.”

“Shh!” Instinctually she put her hand over the phone and glanced around, worried someone might overhear. When she put the phone back to her ear he was laughing.

“Give me a few hours and I’ll be on a flight,” he said confidently, making the rest of her anxiety melt away. “We’ll either change your father’s mind, or I’ll kidnap you and hide you on my private island.”

“You have a private island?”

“Not yet, but I’m sure I could buy one in about five minutes with the right incentive.”

She pressed the phone to the side of her face, wishing she could hug him. She needed a hug after this stupid mess. “I love you, Master. Please don’t let my father end things between us.”

“I’ll fix it, Varushka.”

“Okay. He’s a stubborn man though. This isn’t a joke.” She bit her lip, worried about telling him how to do things, but he didn’t know her father like she did. “You can’t bribe him or anything, or he’ll just be more convinced you’re the devil in disguise.”

There was another long silence. Had that been his big plan—to pay him off? Her father wasn’t that kind of man. He’d turned into a creepy stalker somehow, but he wouldn’t sell her or let her marry a man he didn’t feel was good for her.

“I’m packing now. Before I get there, you need to decide if you want a man like me,” he said seriously. “I’m not a criminal anymore, but you know I’ve got other flaws. I never told you I was a saint. In fact, I’ve shown you again and again I’m quite the opposite.”

He hung up, leaving her alone with thoughts about the church, and what her priest would say i

f she confessed here like she had in America.

Chapter Twelve

As soon as he reached for the wooden spoon, she smacked him.

“Dishes only!” Baba pointed a stern finger at the sink and glared up at him despite the fact that her stooped form stood chest high. “You haven’t been gone so long that you’ve forgotten my rules. You’re a spoon licker. Spoon lickers are not allowed near my stove.”

He went to the sink and filled it with warm, soapy water, glad to have something to do other than sit at the table and wait. No matter how eager he was to see Varushka, this meeting was going to suck.

“Quit glaring at my sink, boy,” she barked.

“You know why I’m glaring, Baba. If her father withdraws his consent, I don’t know what I’m going to do.” He started to wash the few dishes, thinking about how much he liked doing this chore with his girl, and how she teased and joked and made everything fun.

“I chose Varushka because there’s a spark in her,” Baba said. “She’s good-natured, and takes such joy in life. A man as serious as you needs someone in his life to remind him not be so dour all the time.”

“I’m not dour. I’m focused.”