She stared at him for a moment and he wondered if he’d gone too far, gotten too off track for her. Her whole face was red, and her small bosom heaved. “Is it true you tear off the clothing of innocent young girls and force them to . . . service you?”

The nervous arousal in her eyes was feeding into a new perversion he didn’t know he had. Role-play wasn’t his thing normally, but seeing this side of sweet little Varushka was almost as hot and lurid as reading her diary. He wanted to ask her if this had always been a fantasy of hers, or if it was new, but talking out of character right then would ruin it.

“If we’re going to play this game, you have to remember your safeword.”

“I know,” she said with a good deal of exasperation. Apparently safety checks were boring and annoying. Poor little thing.

“It would be a shame to tear such a pretty dress.” He took the neckline between his two hands and tugged as though he would rip it all the way down the front.

She moaned aloud. Her hands fluttered to his, staying him from doing anything crazy. “I have to wear this home,” she whispered to Konstantin, so that the vodyanoy he was pretending to be didn’t hear her.

Konstantin gave the girl a calculating look, just to make her nervous, then feigned a tearing motion with his hands. “You should have removed it when I told you to. Now look at what you made me do.”

She looked down at her intact dress and covered herself with her arms and hands as though he’d ripped the thing down the front and her body was now on full display. Always the gentleman, Kon sat up and helped her pull the dress off over her head, rather than having to play act, and took his shirt off, too. Varushka glanced around and covered herself in earnest.

Aw hell. The wispy white panties she wore were almost sheer—not something she had picked out or bought for herself, but ones he’d bought for her. They were made to be destroyed by a man’s hands.

“These are in my way.” With very little effort he tore off her panties, purposely shredding them so she’d have to go home without.

Her protest was more of a gasp, and she shyly dropped her gaze.

“Show me what’s mine. Come sit here.” He patted his bare chest.

Looking confused, she tried to lower herself to sit primly on his chest, but he redirected her to straddle him there, kneeling just below his armpits. She had to lean either back or forward to support herself on the ground. Choosing to lean back, probably in an effort to keep her breasts out of his face, she gave him a very intimate view of herself. She was just as small there as before he’d taken her virginity.

“This offering is more to my liking than your last one. Bring it closer so I can taste it.”

Her forehead creased and she shook her head. “I can’t.”

“You can’t or you won’t?”

“It feels too good when you do that. I’ll fall,” she whined.

Her red braid fell over one pert breast. She looked down at him, her innocent face full of a lust she didn’t seem to totally understand.

God, she was gorgeous. If she ever wanted to be rich, she just needed to let him take a few pictures and she could sell them online for a mint.

“You’re a very beautiful girl, Varushka.”

She looked away, bashful, as though she didn’t believe his words but loved hearing them all the same.

“Are you sure you want to be a sex slave to an ugly old vodyanoy?” He pinched at her nipple and she sighed and leaned into the small violence. “You could have any human man you wanted.”

“There’s only one human man I want.” Her words trembled on her lips as he ran his finger up the inside of her smooth, white thigh. Pale freckles covered her skin, most of her tan from their beach holiday gone. “But he’s not here. There’s only an old evil vodyanoy who will do whatever he wants to me and not listen if I beg him to stop.”

She reached over to the cloth bag she’d dropped beside him when she’d knelt. After fishing around inside it for a minute, she set a jar and a condom packet next to him, then curled down to kiss his mouth. When she straightened again, he took the jar in his hand, turning it so he could read the label.

“What’s this for?”

Varushka smiled tremulously. “Everly gave it to me a few days ago. She said it was good for . . .” She let the statement trail off.

Konstantin knew several things coconut oil was good for, but she couldn’t possibly mean the obvious. A massage, maybe? That was far more likely.

“For massages?”

She frowned and shook her head.

“Hand jobs?”