Damn. He wanted her again.

“Konstantin!” Her cheeks were flushed. She looked like she wanted to berate him, but thought better of it and focused on licking the pink ice cream that was dripping down the side of her cone. The sight of her little tongue cleaning up the mess was making his dick hard.

Down, boy.

He glanced up and down the street, trying to forget the way her mouth felt on him, and how good she was getting at it. There was something to be said for a girl who was curious and enthusiastic, and didn’t get offended when he offered suggestions.

Shut up, dick.

People strolled along the touristy, tree-lined street, peering into store windows and chatting with neighbors. He loved Cobalt Harbor, and had thought of buying a house here to be closer to the beach, but it had just never happened.

“See that tattoo shop? That’s where I got my work done. Should we go get your nipples pierced?” He waited for her to beg him not to insist on it.

“Is there a market nearby?” she asked innocently.


She eyed him slyly. “I need to buy a new supply of rutabagas.”

Konstantin burst out laughing and pulled her closer so he could put his arm around her. She was even sassy when she safeworded. He tsked. “Careful, Varushka. One step too far into bratty and I’ll spank you right here.”

Instead of looking worried, she bit her lip and surveyed the crowd, as though she were considering it.

“It would be skirt up and panties down.” He’d never do it here, but he liked the way she gasped and frowned at him.

“I’ll be good,” she quickly whispered, her cheeks pink.

“That’s what I thought.”

“But I still kind of want you to.”

“Figures.” He chuckled. “You’re turning into a naughty little pervert.”

“You have only yourself to blame, Master.” She winked.

When she’d finished her ice cream, she gazed across the street at the goth store they’d shopped at earlier. Buying fet wear to dress her up in was his new favorite pastime.

“The people who own the store are nice. Did you know the man has two wives?” she asked.


“And they both wear his collar.”

“They do.”

She nodded, as though she was processing the concept of polyamory. Would she be shocked to find out his last relationship had been poly? They should probably talk exes sometime, but he wasn’t sure she wanted to go there. He’d rather not. She made him want to leave his past behind him

“They have so many babies.” The smile that accompanied the statement was goofy. “Four little ones not in school yet, and two more coming.”

A vague terror seized him. He’d always thought he’d like children eventually, sometime in the distant future, but when Varushka had seen the babies everywhere in the store, she’d gotten the same crazed look in her eye that she’d had when her goats had been delivered. By the time Konstantin had paid for their purchases, Varushka had a baby girl on her hip and he’d been half afraid he’d have to wrestle the child away from her. He’d never dated a girl who was baby crazy. Hopefully her farm animals would satisfy those urges for now.

“The little boy with the red hair was following you around the store,” she pointed out, as though it was proof he was meant to be a father.

“Yes,” he said vaguely. “He’s friendly.”

She popped the last of her cone into her mouth, then chewed thoughtfully. “You want children, don’t you? I never thought to ask.”

“Yes, but not yet. And not forty-two of them.” He couldn’t imagine having a bunch of kids running around his house, getting sticky fingerprints on everything.