“I’ll stay, Master. But if you want to tie me, I won’t complain.”

“You’re such a good girl when you want to come.”

She nodded, since it was a completely reasonable observation.

Carefully, he arranged her the way he wanted her, arms over her head and angled away from her body, and legs splayed out in a similar way.

“You don’t move unless I move you. I’ll understand if you need to squirm, but don’t move your arms and legs. Understood?”

“Yes, Master.”

He caressed her cheek, and she leaned into his touch. The kiss he pressed to her forehead was tender and made her feel like her heart was too big. He kissed her mouth again, then slid down her body, paying attention to every bit of skin he encountered. By the time he lowered his mouth between her thighs, she was clutching at the sheets, twisting them in her hands and trying not to shove her hips rudely at his teasing mouth. For ages he played with the skin inside her thighs, then let his gentle breaths tickle over her tender places, making her want to cry, or to beat him until he eased her.

When he deigned to latch on to her clit, her heels dug for purchase as she tried to direct his mouth. He backed off.

“Lie still, Varushka. If you don’t control your bucking, I’ll stop.”

“I need to come,” she whimpered, desperation seizing control of her mouth. At his stern look, she forced her ass back down against the mattress, but spread her legs as far apart as they’d go. “Please, Master. I’ll be good.”

“You’re being good to get what you want. I understand that. But eventually you’ll be good because pleasing me will be more important to you than coming.”

More important than coming? He must never have ached this badly in his life. He wouldn’t say something so silly if he understood how this felt.

The thoughts fled as he played around, making her crazy with his tongue before putting his mouth back on her clit again. He sucked, but this time his fingers explored her too. When he edged back to look at her down there she tried to close her knees.

“Don’t hide yourself. You have a pretty pussy and ass, Varushka. You’re lucky I’m too jealous a man to put pictures of you on the internet.” His slow smile was nefarious.

She sucked in a breath and blushed hotly. “Pictures of me, Master? But why?”

“Why not? People would love to see you like I see you.” He raised his brows. “You’ll see how people react if I ever make you go naked in front of my friends.”

There was no time to think about that.

“You’re so small here that I’m not sure I’ll be able to get into you today. It might take a few tries.”

She was barely listening to him, her body buzzing and determined that his finger needed to be inside her.

“I don’t care if it hurts.”

“I care. Your first time should be good for you.” He pressed his lips together, looking serious. “It doesn’t have to hurt too much if I’m careful. Someday when your body is used to mine, I’ll use you in ways you say you don’t like, but you’ll secretly love it.”

The nerve of the man! She frowned at him. “Oh? And how do you know that?”

“Once you’re completely trained you won’t deny me anything I want. I can tell.”

Her mouth fell open. The first urge she had was to argue, but maybe he was right. The idea both frightened and thrilled her. Exactly how far down the path to debauchery was he going to lead her?

“I brought lube, just in case, but I don’t think you’re going to need it. What has you so wet, little one?” He flicked his tongue over her clit, which felt huge and distended, and seemed like it had its own pulse.

She hoped it was a rhetorical question, because she had no intention of answering.

Konstantin pressed the tip of his finger slowly into her, withdrawing a bit, then pushing inward again. He licked and pushed, making her want it even though it was an odd sensation and made her dizzy. She was doing this. It was happening.

Varushka closed her eyes and opened them again, too scared to watch, but too eager not to. She felt like covering her face in shame. Was it sensible for her to feel ashamed? Konstantin hadn’t been a virgin in a long time, she was sure, so why did only she have to stay chaste until their wedding?

Shut up and pay attention, brain.

“There. That’s one,” Konstantin said. “Are you okay?”