Making herself small, she obeyed, stopping directly in front of him. She couldn’t look him in the eye.


Trying her best to look graceful, she folded down to the floor in front of him, then lowered her forehead to rest on her hands, just in front of his bare feet. Even Konstantin’s toes were pretty.

The wetness from her thighs somehow transferred to her calves and heels, and she was glad he couldn’t see it in this position.

“If I say no to something you really want, and I don’t say my answer is final, you may choose to beg. I don’t think giving in to your lust before we get married is a good idea, Varushka. It’s not what you wanted when we met.”

She turned her head and glanced at him, then put her head back down.

“Up, and tell me what you’re thinking.”

She did, but stared steadfastly at his denim-clad knee. He must have thrown jeans on after he’d put her in the corner. Her gaze was forced to creep up to his well-muscled chest, because it was naked and beautiful, with just enough hair to make him manly, but not so much to make her feel like she lusted after a beast. She wanted to put her mouth on him where the vee of muscle dipped into his waistband, but she didn’t know if she was allowed to just then. Why did he have to look so delicious?

Concentrate Varushka. If she didn’t make a good argument she might have to wait months—maybe longer. He hadn’t even proposed to her yet. She did her best to organize her thoughts, but between her need and his body she was completely preoccupied.

She drew a steadying breath. “Staying a virgin wasn’t a choice before you, Master, it was my only option. It was decided for me, not something I’d ever thought of myself. It was expected.” She shrugged. “No one wanted me anyway. Not even you when we met—that is, if you’ve changed your mind. Maybe you haven’t changed your mind and I’m being a silly fool.”

He raised her chin with two fingers. “Look at me.”

Reluctantly, she complied.

“I fucking want you, but I don’t want to take something from you that you value. Not if you’re not sure.”

“It’s not something I value. I’d never even kissed a boy until you. How was I supposed to know I wanted sex? It’s easy to be pious when you have no temptation.”

“See, now there’s where I’m having a problem.” He leaned back in his chair, taking the hand that had been holding her chin with him.

At least when he groaned and draped his arm over his eyes it became obvious she wasn’t the only one frustrated. Varushka darted a glance downward. There was a telltale bulge in his jeans. If she closed her mouth over the tip of that bulge, would he be angry, or would he grab her hair and . . .

She squirmed and rolled her eyes. Leaning her head on his leg was safer, so she tried that. His hand came to her hair like it was automatic, and she kissed his knee.

“Why did you have to be devout and a virgin?” He sighed and kissed the top of her head.

“I don’t have to be a virgin, but I need your help to fix that.”

“Or I could keep playing with you and not fuck you until we get married.”

She banged her forehead on his knee. “I’m fine with that, but only if there’s a priest waiting in the living room tomorrow morning. Not a long-winded one either. And I hope he’s not going to get offended if I beg you for an orgasm the whole time.”

“Varushka! Is that any way for a good girl to behave?” he said with mock severity, the corners of his eyes creased with amusement.

“No, Master. But I’m not even a little sorry.” She pressed her lips together as though she was disgusted with herself. “I may need another spanking.”

He groaned and lifted her into his lap. She put her arms around his neck and trailed kisses along his jaw. So stern, that jaw. It made him look mean, which was exciting and hot because now she knew what flavor of mean he was.

“Besides, how can you truly be my Master if you’ve only ever been in my mouth?”

“Some Masters don’t use their slaves for sex at all.”

She pouted at him. “That doesn’t sound like much fun. I want to be the sex kind.”

“Good, because eventually I’ll take you in any hole I please, whenever I please.”

Before she could stop herself, her butt muscles clenched, warding off his implied interest in that part of her. She realized she was grimacing, and she worked on smoothing her expression.

“You don’t like that idea?”