Finally, he sighed, loud and aggravated. The stick dropped onto the bed and he hovered over her.

“I can’t be distant with you,” he said.

What? Would he not punish her now?

He pulled her so she was kneeling upright, then gazed down at her. “This is my usual punishment for naughty slaves but . . .” He shook his head, as if he were annoyed with himself. “You aren’t like other girls and I just can’t make myself do it.”

She felt her eyes widen. “So you’re not going to—”

“Oh, you’ll still be punished.” With that, he yanked her down the bed, then positioned her over his knee. “Ah, yes.” He rubbed his hand over her ass. “This is much better.”

Some of the fear ebbed, though she knew his hand could do quite a bit of damage to her poor skin too. Ultimately, she knew she needed this. She needed him to follow through. Konstantin came with discipline—it was part of the package. Without it, their relationship would feel . . . wrong. Even though she was nervous, and sad she upset him, she wanted the punishment.

He set to work spanking her. Hard and fast, he didn’t waste time with a warm-up. And with her bottom still sore from the earlier spanking, she was wriggling and yelping in no time.

“Stay still,” he ordered, throwing a leg over her kicking ones.

“I can’t help it!” she cried. “It hurts.”

“That’s the point.” He started again, this time targeting the backs of her legs.

She sobbed apologies but he kept going. The pain was immense—worse than any spanking he’d given her so far. Through the pain, however, there was a sense of satisfaction. She deserved this. When he was done, he’d forgive her.

It took her a moment to realize he’d stopped. That was it? She was limp and crying but she acknowledged it could have been worse. Then she watched from the corner of her eye as he picked up the stick.

“No!” She fought to get away but he held her firm.

“Shh,” he soothed. “Just five. You can take them.”

With a whimper, she gave in, hanging limp across his legs. Could she take five? Surely, from this angle they wouldn’t be too hard. Five wasn’t a lot. And he wanted her submission—he wanted her to do it for him.

“You can take five for me, can’t you, Varushka?”

His voice was smooth and calming—as if he were trying to relax her. It may have been more effective if it hadn’t sounded so sexy.

“Yes, Master,” she answered, then sniffled.

“That’s my good girl.” He slid his hand over her ass, soothing the pain there. He stroked up her back and down her legs, until her breathing slowed and she started to calm.

“I’m going to do them fast. I won’t make you count. This is an introduction to the cane. Next time I won’t be so easy on you.”

She gulped. There’d be no next time as far as she was concerned. She’d behave from now on.

The blows landed fast and hard. She screamed but didn’t have time to try to get away. It was over in an instant then she exhaled a loud sob.

Konstantin lifted her up, then sat her on his lap. Her bottom ached where it touched his legs, but he cocooned her in his arms and made soothing sounds as she cried on his shoulder.

“You did very well,” he told her in Russian. “I’m proud of you.”

Proud? She’d pleased him that much? A warm glow in her chest that spread throughout her body. A strange, buoyant feeling took over, like the aftermath of an orgasm but more . . . spiritual in a way. Despite her stinging backside, she’d never felt so loved. Tears pricked her eyes again, but this time it felt different. Not tears of guilt or regret, or even pain. These were tears of joy. Deep down inside, a little voice was whispering something she’d never felt for anyone before—not like this. She loved him. It made her want to do something wild like knock him over with kisses. She settled for grinning instead.

Konstantin shifted underneath her, then pushed away a few inches. “Come on, malish. Let’s get to bed.”

“Bed?” Her heart sunk. “But . . . we’re not going to . . .”

He tsked. “No, Varushka. Naughty girls don’t get rewarded.”

She frowned. The spanking was too intense to turn her on but she’d hoped it would made him want to have sex. With the whisper in her soul and the conviction she wouldn’t go to Hell for it, she was ready to make love to him.