“Oh, I wasn’t angry.” When he saw she was confused, he went on. “I was turned on, and doing those things to you, and you allowing it, pleases me.” He stroked her damp hair back from her face.

“You like bossing me around and being mean.”

“You don’t like it?” he asked with concern. Maybe he’d been misreading her acquiescence as enthusiasm.

“I—” She started a slow squirm in his lap. Unable to resist, he cupped one of her breasts, enjoying the way her nipple responded to him immediately. She sighed with pleasure as he ran his thumb over it. “I do like it. I don’t know why, but you being the boss of me makes me want you more.”

“You want me?”

She bit her lip and nodded, staring into his eyes. “Sir, is it true that hardly any girls in America are virgins when they get married?”

Maybe he wasn’t the person to be asking. He had a vested interest in convincing her sex before marriage was normal. “That doesn’t matter. It’s your body. It’s up to you.”

“I think if so many people here are having sex before their wedding, they can’t all be going to Hell. Maybe they tell girls that so we don’t get pregnant before we’re married, but you know how to keep that from happening.”

“We can wait, Varushka.”

“Maybe I don’t want to wait,” she said, frowning. “I know your cock doesn’t want to.”

He wanted to throw her onto the table and take her—feel her tight body clutching at him as she wriggled and squealed her way through the million orgasms he wanted to force out of her. What he wanted didn’t matter, though, not that his dick was listening. It had to be prodding her ass.

“Your body wants mine, but mine wants yours too.” She smiled deviously. “Will you show me how to pleasure you with my mouth today?”

He groaned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.” He’d last about half a minute before it’d go off like a fire hose.

“You don’t like that idea?” Her ass was rocking slowly against him, forcing him to respond and move with her.

“I like it too much. I’ll end up coming in your pretty mouth.”

They rubbed against each other for a few minutes, until Konstantin couldn’t stand any more.

Her mini growl of frustration was adorable. “I don’t really know what that would be like, but if it’s not bad for me, I don’t care.”

Shit. Since they’d started fooling around together, he’d gone down on her several times, but had never suggested she reciprocate. The idea of her taking him in her mouth had seemed too much to ask of her, but if she was offering . . . He was a human being, not a saint.

“You can try it if you want. I’ll put my hands behind my head so I don’t grab your hair,” he said, more to himself than her.

She slid off his lap, and tugged at the ties on his shorts, unlacing them. “You can grab my hair, Sir. I like it.”


He helped her free his cock from his shorts, and smiled at the way she sank back on her heels and stared at it like it was possibly a girl-eating snake in disguise.

“How am I supposed to fit that whole thing in my mouth?” she asked incredulously.

Could he even explain a blow job? His first girlfriend in high school had figured it out without directions. Maybe he should have shown Varushka a video of that too.

“Uh . . .” Knowing her, if he told her to do whatever she thought was right, she’d end up doing something bizarre. She was too sheltered not to give her at least some direction. “You don’t have to put the whole thing in at once. Just lick and suck. Avoid using your teeth.”

“If it’s called a blow job, how come I’m not supposed to blow?”

He barely caught his laugh before it escaped. It was bad form to laugh at a girl who was about to take his dick into her mouth.

“You just aren’t.”

“Okay.” She exhaled nervously, then prodded his cock with her finger.

“Be nice. If you hurt me on purpose, I’ll punish you.”