“That’s an understatement.” She took a swig of the peach-colored drink she called Bay Breeze.

“Sometimes I feel like my panties might explode,” she blurted before she could stop herself. The vodka was definitely getting to her.

The girls burst out laughing again. “Oh my god!” Everly yelled. “That’s the naughtiest thing I’ve ever heard you say!”

Kate grew serious a second later, then leaned in. “Look. If you want to fuck him, go for it. Don’t let some guy in a robe tell you it’s wrong. He’s just a man. God invented sex, right? Stop torturing yourself out of guilt and do what feels right.”

“Yeah,” Everly agreed. “Life is too short.”

There was some relief in their words. Not that she was ready to change her mind, but Kate and Everly were some of the kindest girls she’d known and they’d had sex before marriage. Everly gave to charity, fought to keep the homeless people off the streets—she was good to the bone. She hadn’t burst into flames at the altar. And Kate too—with the work she did with people living with addictions, she wasn’t a bad person because she hadn’t waited. Or because they weren’t religious.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so unforgivable for her to have sex with Konstantin.

“And you’re pretty sure you’re going to marry him, right?” Everly asked.

Was she? Dear god, she wanted to. Did he feel the same way though? As for her, the pounding of her heart every time she saw his face could only mean one thing. She was falling for him. Fast and hard.

“Yes. At least I want to. I don’t know if he feels the same way.”

Kate squeezed her hand reassuringly. “If he didn’t feel the same way, he would have sent you home, sweetheart.”

“Ugh,” Everly whined. “How did I get so drunk? Varushka, I’m telling Konstantin you’re a menace.”

Varushka laughed her best evil laugh and Everly threw a pillow at her, missing widely.

“We’d better start the movie before Everly falls down,” Kate teased.

Everly stretched out on the couch while Kate got up to fiddle with the machine. Varushka still felt a little shy with them so she stayed upright but turned toward the TV.

Kate curled up on the other couch and the movie started. Varushka tried to pay attention but her mind kept straying back to Konstantin. Would anyone but Konstantin know if she wasn’t a virgin at her wedding?

No. He wouldn’t tell.

Well, there was God but . . . He was forgiving. She’d already done so many dirty things with Konstantin, was having sex that much worse?

Halfway through the movie, both of her new friends were snoring loudly. Varushka thought about turning it off but she wasn’t sure how to work the complicated remote control yet.

The front door opened then shut. Men’s voices drifted in from the front hallway. A moment later, the three of them entered the room.

They all froze, taking in the scene. She looked at it from their points of view. Bottles of alcohol and half-empty glasses littered the table and their wives were passed out on the couches.

Konstantin took a deep breath, then crossed his arms. “Varushka,” he said sternly. “What did you do to these girls?”

She looked at her sleeping friends, then back to Kon. “I think they’re drunk.”

Banner chuckled and walked over to Kate. Gently, he coaxed her up. She grumbled but sat up.

“Come on,” he said to her. “Let’s get you to bed.”

“I don’t feel so good,” she mumbled.

Konstantin pressed his lips into a firm line. She couldn’t tell if he was angry or trying not to laugh.

“I think they were trying to get me drunk,” she explained, then switched to Russian. “Are all American girls lightweights?”

He burst out laughing.

Ambrose grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and settled it over Everly. “You don’t drink?” he asked Varushka.