Devirginize? He coughed to cover a laugh.

Konstantin slid his fingers down to her pussy and tickled along her labia, then exposed the hood of her clit. He brushed his fingertip along the sensitive skin around it, and Varushka started to pant and squeal, but her efforts to back from him only ground her ass against his throbbing dick. A gentle graze of his finger along her clit hood and she cried out.


The bad word from her innocent mouth made Konstantin laugh out loud. Varushka glared at him, as though the swear was his fault. She covered her mouth with her hand, maybe afraid of what else might pop out of it.

“I didn’t know your pretty mouth could say such filthy words.”

“I never said that before. Don’t tell my papa, okay?”

He snickered. “Why would I do that? If I did, I’d have to tell him why you said it.”

This time her blush mottled her all the way down her chest to her belly. “You won’t tell?” she whispered.

“Things that happen between a man and woman are usually kept secret between them, unless they do them in public.”

She nibbled on the end of her finger, but nodded. “If you do it again, I’ll try not to say bad words. It just surprised me. It doesn’t feel that way when I wash there.”

“Do you wash there . . . a lot?” He raised a brow.

“Don’t be rude! Not like that.”

God. She was so adorable he could eat her.

The guy in the video was about to plunge into the girl when Konstantin closed his laptop with a snap, suddenly deciding she didn’t need to see that crap when he could just show her things himself. He urged Varushka up onto his desk. There hadn’t been a woman on this one yet—it was about time it got broken in.

“Why are you putting me up here?” For a girl with such a disapproving expression her body seemed willing enough to obey him.

“Maybe I just want to look at you,” he teased.

“Why? Are you so old that you can’t see me unless I’m close?” Her eyes narrowed with mischief and he found himself smiling. He didn’t like brats, but he was pleased that Varushka was getting more comfortable with him. He didn’t want a doormat, or a mindless sex doll. Personality made a girl interesting.

He stood, and with gentle guidance he posed her the way he wanted her—lying on her back, damp hair pulled from under her head and spread around her. Her lips were parted and her eyes half-lidded by the time he stepped back to admire her.

“You’re a very beautiful woman, Varushka.”

For once she didn’t look away. She watched him, calm and obedient as she yielded to his whim. Her earnest desire to please him was lovely.

Konstantin leaned down and kissed her, long and thorough, enjoying her quiet moans as she kissed him back.

“There are things we can do other than have sex the way you know about.”

“And I’ll stay a virgin?”

“Yes, like I said, in the ways that matter.” He smiled reassuringly, but he groaned inwardly. Could he hold off from sinking his dick into her tempting softness until he married her? Possibly. But only if they got married in the next week or so. Or if she absolutely insisted.

“But isn’t there only one way?”

“No. Several different parts of your body can bring me pleasure.”

“Like my hands, like you do to me?”

“Yes. Or your mouth, your thighs, your ass . . .”

Her brow creased. “What would you do with those?”

“Should I show you what a mouth can do, to start?”