He was getting painfully hard, and it frustrated the hell out of him that he couldn’t work it off on her. It was like making out with a girl in the back hall at a high school dance. Everything she did or didn’t do made him crazy and there wasn’t much he could do about it. Not without being a bastard.

When he pulled her panties back up, she yelped and protested.

“You can take them off. I don’t mind. I just promised that I’d pull them back up and I’m a man of my word.” He pulled the hem of her dress back down into place and urged her to her feet. She stood in front of him, pouting and rubbing her bottom.

“Come with me.” He brought her into the house, where she toed off her muddy shoes. When they got to his room, he started to run a bath.

She tried to back out of the room, but he caught her hand.

“I’ll go take a shower in the other bathroom,” she said nervously. “The priest said I shouldn’t do any more bad things with you before we’re married.”

Konstantin let go of her hand. “If that’s what you want, that’s fine. I’ll wait.” He unbuttoned his now-smudged white dress shirt and stripped it off. The way she was watching him said she didn’t want to leave the room any more than he wanted her to. “You may go, if you want.”

The one step she took back toward the door was unconvincing.

“Or you could stay and take a bath with me.”

“Naked?” her eyes widened. “Together?”

He bit his lips together so he didn’t laugh. “That’s usually how baths work in America. Taking a bath in your clothes wouldn’t be very comfortable.”

Varushka’s gaze fell to his chest again, and she bit her lip. At her side, her fingers moved like she was thinking about touching him. He was going to have to teach her how to play poker because her expressions and body language gave everything away.

“I won’t take your virginity until you tell me I can.” He moved closer to her, but didn’t touch her even though he could think of a million easy ways to seduce her. “I won’t trick you into having sex with me.”

She didn’t reply, but seemed torn.

Time for a gentle push. “Take off that dirty dress. You’re getting mud on the floor.”

When he sat on the edge of the tub and waited for her to obey, she turned a pleasant shade of pink. She averted her eyes and reached for the button behind her neck.

“Look at me when you undress for me.” He kept his voice low, trying not to scare her. Letting her do it her own way would probably have made more sense, but if she was going to be his, it was better to start training her now.

Gazing up at him from under her lashes, she slowly pulled her dress off over her head. She stood there in just her ugly white panties, and slouchy socks, her head ducked and shoulders rounded.


Hell or no hell, he wanted her.

No matter how many times he reminded himself she wasn’t his type—at all—it came back to this. She was so damned submissive that a Dominant would have to be dead not to respond to her. The worst and best part was that she didn’t even know it. Completely natural and unstudied, she was perfect. Beautiful.

“Underwear and socks off,” he commanded. He stood and finished getting undressed, ignoring the way she was staring at his hard-on with horrified fascination.

He stepped into the tub, and beckoned to her. With only a slight hesitation, she obeyed, and he lifted her in. The tub was so big they didn’t even have to touch each other, but he settled her with her back to him and wrapped his arms around her, far too aware of how much his dick liked being wedged against the crack of her ass. She squirmed.

“The water stings where you slapped me.” She shifted again.

“When you wiggle like that it reminds my cock that it wants to

be inside you.”

She swallowed and stilled. “But you said you wouldn’t.”

“If I put it in your ass you’d still be a virgin where it matters.” He growled in her ear.

Varushka smiled at him over her shoulder. “It doesn’t go there, silly man. Maybe I’m a good girl, but I know how things work.”

She thought he was joking? He really was going to hell. So much work to do. At least she hadn’t asked him what a cock was, or assumed he was discussing her chickens.