?t something he normally did so he was out of practice.

“It was just a surprise. When I had this house built, it never occurred to me to have a vegetable garden and animals on the grounds.” He put an arm around her and gave her a squeeze. “But if it makes you happy, then I’m happy. If you want to add anything to your farm, though, I expect you to ask me first. The next time I go away on business, I don’t want to come home to a petting zoo with a rhinoceros.”

Varushka blinked at him, then frowned in disapproval. “Don’t be ridiculous. That isn’t the same thing at all.”

“Isn’t it?” He chuckled.

She frowned, looking insulted. “Have you been rich so long, that you’ve forgotten your roots? Are you too good for farming and farmers now? Because if you are, then maybe you’re too good for me.”

“I didn’t mean it like that.” Between the long flight, the chicken chase, and the shock of coming home to a farm, he wasn’t in the mood to deal with a lecture.

She had pushed away from him and was sitting up stiffly, chin raised. “Farming is not a thing to be mocked. Where do you think the food you eat every day comes from, rich boy?”

And so it begins. Her timid demeanor was only going to last for so long, but he needed to take her in hand before she decided she was the boss in their relationship, and that sassing him was acceptable. Plus, the temptation to spank her naughty ass was too much to resist.

Konstantin rose, and pulled the girl to her feet. “‘Rich boy’? What happens when you’re rude to me?”

She looked sullenly down at her toes, but said nothing.

“I would never mock farming. I know how hard the work is. I did enough of it as a child. However, there are appropriate times and places for things, and having a farm in the backyard of this kind of house is a different idea.” He took her hand and pulled her toward the house. “That’s not saying it can’t work here, because it can. I told you that.”

“I didn’t think it would be such a big deal. Sorry.” Her tone didn’t make her sound sorry at all. She was dragging her feet, but he didn’t give her a choice about following.

“You will be, but only about your attitude.”

When he reached the stairs to the deck, he sat down on one and pulled Varushka facedown over his lap. She didn’t struggle or try to get up.

“W-what are you doing?”

“I didn’t like the tone you were using with me, girl. Hopefully this reminds you to be polite to me.” Konstantin brushed up the back of her dress, amused and slightly turned on to discover she’d reverted to her ugly white granny panties. Although he paused and let go of her, she didn’t try to get away. Curious to see how far she’d let him go, he slowly pulled her panties down, exposing her bottom to the sky—possibly for the first time in her life.

Damn, she had a sexy ass.

“Oh my god,” she whined. “Don’t spank me. I don’t like it. Pull my panties back up.” She could have done it herself, but she didn’t try to do so.

“I will when I’m done,” he promised. “I think you’re lying to me, though, Varushka. When I swatted your bottom before church the other day, I think you did like it.”

“No, I—”

“I’m going to spank you now.”

“Yes, Sir.”

She’d agreed quickly, and had almost sounded eager. Or maybe that was wishful thinking on his part. The “Sir” though—that had sounded sincere.

He brought his hand down on her sweet little bottom. She squeaked and wriggled, but he held her in place. After each swat he paused, waiting for her to insist he stop. Instead, she melted against his legs. Her whimpers became moans as her pale ass gradually turned a bright pink.

“Is it your place to be disrespectful to me?” he asked, smacking her again.

“No, Sir.” Her voice was hoarse, and she was sniffling.

“You can disagree with me politely, but I will not stand for a sassy mouth. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He rubbed the pink splotches he’d made, soothing them with his palm. She gasped and squirmed in his grip, but not to get away.

Maybe she was sweet and innocent, but her body seemed to know what it wanted even if she didn’t agree.