“This is late for you. Are you sure you don’t want to go home?” Konstantin whispered to her, hoping she’d want to leave. Traumatizing the poor girl wasn’t exactly how he’d hoped the evening would go. Things had progressed between them, but that had only been today. He’d been a fool to introduce her to The Catacombs so soon.

“No,” she replied, but said nothing more. Her attention was drawn to a caning that was underway. The way her tiny fingers dug into Konstantin’s leg she had to be hurting herself, but she didn’t seem to notice. When the woman was screaming, but still hadn’t safeworded, Varushka spoke again. “This place reminds me of the stories my priest used tell us about Hell when I was little girl.”

Fucking perfect. He couldn’t think of anything to say to that, so he just gave her a squeeze and waited for her to process that mental connection.

“Would you like to do that to me?”

How could he answer that without scaring the fuck out of her?

“We’d have to see what you were interested in first. I’d never start off with that, and I’d never do that without your permission. Besides, even if you gave me permission, you would still have a safeword to make me stop.” He jiggled her teasingly. “That woman has a safeword but she’s not using it, even though she could tell the man to stop anytime.” Coming to places like this was supposed to be enjoyable, otherwise what would be the point? She saw a torture chamber rather than a place to unwind. At least she wasn’t trying to get away from him. Hopefully that was a good sign.

At last the caning stopped. The man helped the woman up from the spanking bench she’d been lying on and embraced her, petting her hair and kissing her face. The woman smiled up at him shakily, and Varushka frowned at the exchange, as though the tenderness confused her more than the caning had.

“You see? Consensual and voluntary.” Konstantin patted her knee and rested his hand there. The touch made her quiver, as though he was running a hand over her naked body rather than just resting it on her knee. “Yes, he was caning her, but either she enjoys being caned or she allowed him to do it to please him. Maybe she was in trouble for something, or maybe the pain just makes her feel good.”

At the next table over, a Dominant was frowning at his kneeling submissive. From his body language Konstantin could tell shit was about to hit the fan. He tried to get Varushka into his lap and facing him before she saw what was going on, but she’d already noticed. He pulled her into his lap anyway and wrapped his arms around her to give her somewhere safe to hide.

“That girl is in trouble with her man, I think.”

“Yes, I saw that. I think he’s either her Dom or her Master.”

“Master? Like she’s his . . . slave?” She wrinkled her nose.

“People who do things like this, where one person has power over the other, have special names for their relationships. If he’s her Dom, that means he’s the one in charge of their relationship. She does what he says, and is his submissive.” He wondered how much to tell her and how fast. Maybe talking about the dynamics between his friends would be helpful. “Banner and Ambrose are Masters to Kate and Everly. For them it means their women submit to them more deeply, and that they have more control over them than they would in a typical Dominant/submissive relationship. The titles people use mean different things to different people.”

She glanced at his friends and chewed on her bottom lip, as though she was processing the information. “So is that what you like to do too? Boss girls around?”

“Only if they want me


Her body relaxed a bit and he liked the way she felt against him. “But what’s that submissive in trouble for? They’ve been there since we came in, so what could she have done wrong?” She frowned and Konstantin couldn’t help but kiss her brow. “And why has she been kneeling at his feet like she’s going to shine his shoes?”

Konstantin had to force himself not to laugh out loud, but his amusement probably showed on his face. “Well, if they’ve been there the whole time, maybe she said something disrespectful to him, or refused to do something for no good reason. Maybe they just like being in those positions. It’s hard to say.” He shrugged and kissed her lips, unable to resist her when she looked so puzzled and sweet. A wave of affection for the girl caught him by surprise. She kissed him back, but pulled away before it became a serious PDA. “She kneels at his feet to show him respect,” he whispered in her ear.

Varushka shivered.

“She knows her place. Do you see her collar? They mean different things in different situations, but with those two, I think it means she belongs to him, like Kate and Everly belong to Banner and Ambrose.”

The Dominant reached down and grabbed the girl by the hair, then hauled her over his lap. The girl was wearing a short skirt that left little to the imagination—and even less in the position she was in.

Shakily, Varushka licked her lips, then nibbled on the end of her finger.

The man started to spank the girl, who wriggled but knew better than to try to get away. Because they were so close, the sound of his palm connecting with her ass was audible over the music coming from the speakers. Konstantin could feel Varushka’s warmth leeching through the PVC of her skirt. She sat stiffly, her eyes fixed on the spanking, her breathing rapid.

“Remember, she can make it stop anytime she wants.” It might not have been completely true. Some submissives gave decisions about punishment over completely to their Doms—slaves especially. But even then, they could leave the relationship anytime, and there was always room for negotiation. Varushka didn’t need to know all that now though. Plus, in a public club, safewords were always respected.

Surprisingly, she didn’t seem afraid anymore. Instead, he felt her rock her pussy against his thigh, seeking relief.

Oh fuck.

Konstantin let his impatient hand slide just under the edge of her skirt to rest on her thigh. Rather than being flustered, her legs parted, just enough to let him know what she wanted. The idea of fingering her right then and there made him instantly hard. He kissed her neck and she squirmed against him, but didn’t take her eyes off the other couple.

In his peripheral vision, he saw Ambrose subtly point out Varushka’s reaction to Banner, and he glared at them. If they said fuck all, and ruined this for her, he’d beat them.

“What do you think he is saying to her?” Varushka mused.

“Maybe he’s telling her what a bad girl she is, or maybe that her pretty body is his to do with as he pleases.”