cavernous space. “Not so happy now that the shoe’s on the other foot, are you? Remember when you used to tease me about sharing Everly?”

Konstantin frowned at his friend. “Varushka is different. You can’t even joke about things like that. She’s an innocent girl.” Desperation started to rise. He shouldn’t have fooled around with her. He was corrupting the poor thing.

At one point he’d thought he could see whether one of his grandmother’s favorites would suit him as a wife, but by the time he was done figuring things out, he would have irrevocably meddled with her. The effects could last indefinitely.

If he marked her permanently that way—if he exposed her to too much—would she ever be able to go back to her old life and find a decent husband?

He heard the women coming down the hall, and he turned to face them. His good intentions abandoned him when she walked into the room.

They’d dressed her in a dark red PVC babydoll dress with a top that resembled a ballet leotard and a full skirt that reached her knee. The scoop neck was low, and it was obviously fet wear, but it covered enough of her to satisfy him. She looked young, but not so young that he could hear sirens when he looked at her. He’d almost convinced himself to send her back to her family on the next plane, before he did her any more damage. Now he wanted to tie her to his bed and lick her in places that would shock her.

She twirled shyly, her eyes only for him, then ducked her face against his chest when she realized there were other men in the room.

“You look lovely, Varushka.” He wrapped his arms around her and smiled at Kate and Everly over her head.

“Did you see my sandals? I love them!” she whispered, as though it was too private a thing for his friends to overhear.

He made introductions, and she unburied her face long enough to be polite. The makeup they’d put on her was subtle, and suited her, and he was relieved that he wouldn’t have to insist she change or wash her face and chance hurting her feelings. Everly and Kate seemed to understand what she needed and what he wanted perfectly.

It was eleven o’clock, and although things at The Catacombs would just be getting started, he wondered how soon Varushka would start nodding off. She was used to going to bed early and getting up early, and she still hadn’t completely adjusted to the time change.

He was glad the air was warm that night. He’d insisted on driving Varushka in his own car so they could make a quick getaway if needed. The other four piled into Ambrose’s SUV. Varushka’s legs were bare and she hadn’t wanted to wear a coat because Kate and Everly weren’t. She was taking this “looking American” thing seriously. As she settled in next to him, she gripped his hand as though they were on the plane again. He told her silly Russian jokes until she giggled.

“We can go home anytime, you know,” he reminded her. “No one will be angry with you.”

“No. I want to see what you like. After what we did today, I think I’m ready.”

Oh, brother. Oh, brother? Fuck, she was even making his thoughts PG. Next he’d use the word “golly” in a sentence, and Ambrose would never let him live it down.

Protectiveness for the girl filled him, making him tense and uncertain. He hadn’t gotten where he was in life by being uncertain, but when it came to Varushka, the weighed risk-taking of a business decision seemed simple and unimportant. With her, he wanted to seduce her and defile her, but also wanted to protect her from being sullied by himself and his world. Thoughts of good and evil, of selfishness and altruism, funneled through him. He knew he couldn’t have both, and yet wanted both desperately.

He could choose to be a good man or he could choose to be a happy man.

Being put in the situation where he’d have to be the one to make the decision was too much temptation for someone so flawed. Konstantin was and always would be a sinner. She deserved better.

The low lighting at The Catacombs lent to its creepy goth mystique. Kate followed Banner submissively into the main room, the leash he always clipped to her collar in public BDSM environments completely unnecessary. They’d teased him about it enough that once he’d shown up with no leash, and when Kate had found out, she insisted they go home to get it. It had started out being Banner’s kink, but now it was like Kate’s safety blanket.

As for bratty Miss Everly, she made enough of an entrance that she could almost be mistaken for a high-profile Domme. She dressed like one, but Ambrose liked her in leather, thought her bratting was hilarious, and now that Konstantin had gotten to know her, he had to agree. Despite her saucy personality, boots, and fishnets, Ambrose made sure to put her in her place now and then. He said it was to keep her inner brat in check, but Kon wondered if it also served to discourage men from begging her to top them. Even when she was wearing Ambrose’s collar, they still tried.

Ambrose and Everly hung out at The Catacombs so often that the two of them had more or less become the unofficial dungeon welcoming committee.

Konstantin, however, had hardly attended since breaking up with Anna and Sindee. It was hard enough being celibate before Varushka finally came over from Russia without tempting himself with the interested submissives who always lurked nearby, hoping to attract his attention.

They made their way toward their favorite table, and within a few steps Varushka had tucked herself into Konstantin’s armpit, staring around them with wide eyes. As they sat on one of the booth’s smooth leather benches, he had to untangle from her so he didn’t end up crushing her leg. He let her hide under his arm again as soon as they were settled, and she peered out at the room’s activities as though he’d abducted her from Earth and brought her to Mars.

“Remember we told you about the Saint Andrew’s crosses and spanking benches and everything?” Everly pointed at various pieces of equipment around the room. “The first time I was here with Ambrose, he made me stand in the corner right there.” She gestured to a corner near the booth. “I couldn’t decide whether he was a complete asshole or I wanted to have his babies.”

“Both.” Ambrose winked at her and Everly playfully shoved his arm.

“I doubt Banner would take me off leash long enough to give me corner time.” Kate laughed.

Konstantin eyed Banner who only looked smug. “Hell, I’m surprised he doesn’t make you go to work like that.”

He looked over at Varushka, wondering what she thought of standing in the corner and aching to find out by putting her there.

Despite his friends doing their best to make Varushka feel at home by engaging her in conversation, and explaining some of what was going on, she still seemed aghast an hour later. She had melted into the cushion behind him not long after they’d arrived and didn’t seem any more comfortable after she had time to get used to the place.
