Curious, she grabbed his cock through his jeans again, loving the way it made him groan and push against her hand.

“What do you want from me, woman?”

The way he said “woman” made her bite her lip, and she rubbed against him. “I want more.”

“More? If you like sex as much as I do, we’re never going to get anything else done.”

“You just told me you’re not having sex with me today, so I guess we’ll have to wait to find out.” She sighed dramatically, then giggled at his frustrated expression.

“Are you looking for trouble?” he asked warningly.

He could have taken advantage of her, but hadn’t. She wasn’t afraid of him anymore, just feeling needy again. She shrugged. “If I was looking for trouble, apparently I wouldn’t know where to find it.”

Chapter Four

It would have taken very little effort to turn her over his knee, pull down her leggings and panties, then spank her sassy ass.

His fucking dick was going to explode.

An hour ago he hadn’t known whether she’d ever be ready for sex. Now, after playing with her for a while, there was no question in his mind, other than when and how often he could take her, and how kinky she’d end up being.

Obviously, Varushka was looking for trouble and every dominant urge he had was screaming at him to take her in hand. If he let her run wild now, her behavior would be that much more difficult to fix later.

Whoa. Down, boy.

She’d never had sex and seemed to be completely baffled by orgasms—how on earth was he supposed to disc

uss kink, consent, and safewords with the poor sheltered girl?

“Do you want me to spank you, Varushka?”

Her face turned pink, but her lips parted and she wriggled under his arm. “Noooo.”

“Are you sure?”

She paused, looking like she wanted to say yes but was too nervous.

Jeez. It was like being in high school again—feeling a girl up and teasing her about barely kinky things he wanted to do to her. Considering what his adult life had been like up until now, it had never occurred to him that he could get this turned on by vanilla things.

“If you’re not sure, maybe you should stop sassing me.” They had a brief stare down and he was surprised she was able to defy him. So much for her deep submissive instincts. He had no doubt he could get her to submit, but it seemed there might be a bit of a bratty streak in there too.

When she dropped her gaze, she scrunched her nose.

“No spanking today,” he decided. The girl had the gall to look disappointed. “Tonight we’re going to go somewhere so you can see what interests me sexually. It’s a club. We’ll go and watch for a while, and you can meet my friends. No pressure.”

“Will they like me?”

“What’s not to like?” He kissed her forehead and she melted into him. She was so sweet and genuine compared to the girls he used to date. Anna and Sindee had been fun, but it had been like dating dolls sometimes. They’d never really had a conversation that implied they needed anything from him other than his cock, and they’d all been emotionally unavailable to one another. That had been what he’d wanted at the time, but it wasn’t what he wanted in a wife.

Whether or not he’d marry Varushka remained to be seen, but her eagerness and artlessness were both things that appealed to him.

“I’m excited to go out.” She smiled broadly. “It’s a club? Like where people dance on TV? I don’t really know how to dance like that. Some girls went to clubs when I was away at school, but I never did.”

“It’s a club but most people don’t go for the dancing.” He paused. Bringing her tonight was probably rushing her, but the sooner he got her used to the idea, the sooner he’d know if this relationship would be worth pursuing. For both of them.

He also didn’t want to take her virginity unless he was relatively sure he’d marry her. She seemed like a natural submissive, but he didn’t want to wait years to see if they were truly compatible. It wouldn’t be fair to either of them—especially if she saw things tonight and wasn’t into any of them.

“There are going to be people there doing things you probably won’t understand. You just have to keep in mind they all want to be there, and they’re all getting what they want or need out of what’s going on. Remember I was teasing you about spanking? It’s that sort of thing. The people being played with, or spanked, or hit, like it or are willing to accept it to please their partner. If they want it to stop they have a word they use that everyone agrees means their partner has to stop, called a safeword.”