“‘Hurt’ isn’t the word I’d use,” he said through gritted teeth. He looked as desperate as she felt. “You’re a very . . . enthusiastic kisser.”

“It makes me feel like I need something, but in a good way.” She was starting to get the impression that when Antonia had told her that women lay with men to please them, that she had only half the story right.

He kissed her again, and this time the fingers of his free hand drew little shivery lines above the waistband of her leggings. When she squirmed and giggled, he laughed, too, but it was huskier than before and made her wonder what terrible, wonderful things he could show her.

His hand moved higher into her tunic top. More of his gentle touches followed the edge of the barrier of her bra. By the time he slid the straps down her arms and freed her breasts she was desperate for it. Feathery strokes explored her sensitive skin, and she startled and gasped when his thumb grazed her already-hardened nipple. Something hard and uncomfortable was wedged against the back of her thigh and she wondered what he had in his pocket. She squirmed around, trying to get comfortable, but he tugged harder at her nipples, making her feel needy and out of control.

The pressure between her legs built, and she realized she was making throaty begging noises at him, but she couldn’t stop. He squeezed one of her nipples too hard, and she squealed as the pain shot a strange pleasure between her legs. Sweat broke on her skin.

“Please, Sir.”

“Please, what, little bird?” His dark and sinful eyes were half-lidded.

“I don’t know,” she whined desperately.

“This?” He pressed a hand between her thighs, rubbing where it ached.

She tried to tell him yes, but all that came out was a moan. His mouth fastened roughly over hers, and she cried out into it, his hand making the pressure in her lower belly build until she thought she would go mad. She grabbed his shoulders and clung to him, her fingers digging into muscle.

The need crested, more devastating than she could have imagined, then released, sending currents of pleasure from his clever fingers all through her body. She struggled, confused by her reaction. He held her in place, making her feel everything he gave her.

“Shh,” he murmured. “You’re okay, sweetness. Do you have another one for me?”

His words and stubborn hand brought her to the brink again. She shuddered, gasping and squealing as he gave her body a second release. When she was done, he mercifully stopped. A third one of those might have destroyed her.

With her face pressed to his chest, she inhaled the manly scent of him, hoping the tears that were soaking through his T-shirt didn’t bother him. He held her that way for a while, wiping her tears away with his hand. When she was calmer, he lifted her and carried her into his bedroom.

He laid her on the bed, then stretched out beside her. The way their bodies pressed together and the protective arm he had draped over her midsection made her sigh with contentment.

“Are you okay?”

A more ridiculous question had never been asked. “Yes, Sir.”

“From your reaction, I’m guessing that was your first orgasm?”

She nodded. “Yes, Sir. I liked it very much.”

He brushed some hair back from her eyes. “Most people do.”

The thing in his pocket was still jabbing into her. “What’s this thing you keep sticking me with?” She grabbed at it, and he hissed.

“That’s my cock. You squirmed all over it, and it wants inside you. But we’re not going to do that today.”

His cock? Knowing she’d made him hard was a rush. She was disappointed he didn’t want to keep exploring.

It was true what Mama had told her when she was younger. Fooling around with a man was a bad idea, because it made you want more, and the next thing you knew you were pregnant. At the time she’d thought Mama was being ridiculous, but now she understood the temptation.

“You don’t look happy about that.” Everything about him was so sexy and suggestive, she didn’t know how he expected her to be the voice of reason.

She shook her head. “My body wants more,” she admitted, “but I don’t think we’re ready for babies yet.”

Konstantin drew a finger down the line of her nose, and it felt almost as intimate as when he’d touched her privates. When was the last time someone had touched her face?

“Don’t worry. When we do have sex we’ll use protection. No babies until we want babies. If we want babies.”

“So we can do things without having to worry about that?” She remembered being told contraception was wrong, but it was better than getting pregnant out of wedlock, wasn’t it?

“Yes, I’ll take care of that.” His hand had slipped up into her top again and was lying on her belly. Even though it wasn’t doing anything, it made her feel warm and jumpy.