“If a woman I’m dating talks back to me, I’ve been known to put her over my knees and spank her.”

Varushka looked at him incredulously. “Why?”

“My woman will be obedient and polite to me, or I’ll put her in her place.” The narrowing of his eyes told her he meant it. Spanking? That was hardly serious enough for the gravity he seemed to be giving it. What was the big deal about a childish punishment?

“Either she’s obedient or you’ll punish her like a little girl? It hardly seems like much motivation to obey you.” She shrugged nonchalantly, pretending not to notice the irritation in his gaze. It was interest, at least, even if she wasn’t sure it was the t

ype of interest she wanted to encourage.

“Have you ever been spanked?”

“Never. I’ve always been a good girl.”

His chuckle was dark, and she got the impression they weren’t talking about the same thing.

“Well, come sit on my lap, good girl. You can try out kissing and see if you like it. But whatever you do, please don’t call me Daddy.” He leaned back against the couch to give her access to his lap.

Did she dare? If she didn’t hurry, he might change his mind, and now that she was so close to a breakthrough, she was excited and curious to see what all the fuss was about.

With her heart in her throat, she climbed carefully onto his lap, trying not to squash him. “Like this?”

He put his hands behind his head as though he was ready for a nap. “Yes, that’s fine. Go ahead and try what you want.”

Of course he wouldn’t make this easy on her. Undeterred, she leaned closer while he watched her. She rolled her eyes.

“I’m pretty sure at least one of us is supposed to have their eyes closed. Since I’m the one kissing you, I should probably have mine open so I don’t miss.”

He snorted but she glared at him until he obeyed.

She shifted closer and pressed her trembling lips against his. They were warm and smooth under hers. It was nice, but she was fairly certain he was supposed to move his lips too, or something.

When she backed off, he opened his eyes. The jackass was still smirking.

Before he could stop her, or push her off his lap, she mashed her mouth against his. The feeling of her teeth pressing against his through their lips was uncomfortable, but she’d be damned if she was going to give up as easily as he seemed to hope she would. Was she that awful at it? Even though the possibility stung, she was determined to impress him.

He buried a hand in her hair and controlled her with it, so that she wasn’t being so rough. Being held that way made her insides feel like jelly. He kissed her then, long and sweet, until she was breathless. His tongue swept the seam of her lips and she recoiled.

“What are you doing?” she asked in disgust.

“Kissing you. Using your tongue is normal if you’re kissing someone you’re planning to marry.”

She grimaced. “Ick. Maybe it’s normal in America, but people in Russia don’t kiss like that.”

“People kiss like this in high school, Varushka. It’s not gross or weird. And yes, people in Russia do kiss like this.”

“Fine. Do it.” Varushka leaned toward him again and opened her mouth.

Gentle fingers came to her chin, and he pushed her mouth closed. “Your mouth will open when it’s the right time. You don’t have to let it . . . hang open like that.”

Antonia had never told her this kissing business was so complicated.

He kissed her again. The hand in her hair controlled her movements, and although she was pretty sure that wasn’t normal, the feeling of being trapped and at his mercy made the spot between her legs tingle. He deepened the kiss, and his tongue insinuated its way into her mouth, coaxing her to reciprocate. She did, but he stopped and pulled back too soon for her liking.

“Why did you stop?” Her heart was racing. She squirmed in place, frustrated that he’d backed off, and feeling like she wanted something she hadn’t gotten yet.

A noise like a growl came from deep in his chest. “Do you always squirm and moan when someone kisses you?”

“Was I doing that? I’ve never kissed anyone else, so I wouldn’t know if I always do it.” She tried to look sorry, but she just wanted him to shut up and kiss her again. “I’ll try not to. Did I hurt you?”