“We should go for a walk.” He smiled at Everly, and her eyes widened. She was always so suspicious when he tried to get her alone. It might have had something to do with the fact that he’d dragged her up to the bedroom earlier under the guise of taking a nap, but then had teased her and come on her tits.

Then, rather than giving her any satisfaction, he’d insisted they hang out with everyone again. She’d grumbled and called him names, and he had spanked her while the others watched with interest. Kate had said sympathetic things, considering they were close friends now, but afterward she’d rubbed against Banner until they went off for their own “nap.”

It was good to have friends who understood.

Hopefully Konstantin’s new wife wouldn’t throw a monkey wrench into what was becoming an entertaining group dynamic.

Everly rose from the lounge chair, the slave bells on her ankle jingling, and Ambrose was amused at the rows of lines the plastic slats had left on her bare breasts and stomach. God bless private beaches. When she caught the line of his gaze, she looked down and laughed.

“I hope you’re into striped patterns this season.” Everly reached up and rubbed the top of his freshly shaved head for a second. It’d become a habit she had trouble resisting.

Ambrose backed her against the support for the pagoda and pinned her there, acquainting himself with the new grooves in her skin. “Interesting.” He cupped one of her breasts then caught the nipple between two fingers and squeezed. Everly gasped, and tried to glare at him, but her moan ruined it.

“Unless you’re interested in sharing that sweet ass, I’d suggest the two of you get a room.” Konstantin glowered. “Oh wait, what was I thinking? You have a room. I’m sure Banner and Kate don’t mind, but I’m flying solo for the next six months. If the two of you were charitable men, you’d help a brother out.”

“Yeah,” Kate agreed. “Banner, you and Ambrose should help Konstantin out. Everly and I will sit over here and watch. Don’t worry, we’ll be very quiet and won’t get in the way.”

“Be careful what you wish for, Trouble. Ambrose and Konstantin are open-minded and like to share girls, and they might decide to convince me to share you.”

“Oh, like you would.” Kate smirked.

Banner grabbed his slave and yanked her into his lap, then bit her shoulder. They struggled, but that got derailed somehow and they ended up making out. Konstantin rolled his eyes and went back to reading.

Ambrose steered Everly away, although she’d been all too happy to stay and watch.

“I know what you’re thinking,” she said, as they walked down the beach, the dry sand so hot they had to stay near the water’s edge.


“You wanted to get me out of there before Kate gave me any bad ideas. I swear she’s as bratty as I am some days.” Everly grinned.

“I think we should keep you two separated as much as possible. You should never be left unsupervised together.” He shook his head in mock disapproval. “Such bad girls.”

“You like us bad.” Everly paused and dug her toes into the wet sand. “Poor Varushka. She has no idea what she’s walking into. At least Kate chose this life, and I was already kinky. That poor kid is going to have some serious culture shock to deal with.”

Ambrose pulled her close and tilted her head back with his thumb. “We could start a petition to find her a more vanilla husband, if that would make you feel better.”

She stood on his toes and kissed him. “No, Master. I think Konstantin’s heart is in the right pl

ace. I just hope he’s not so hard up that he steamrolls over her to make her into what he wants, you know?”

“Well, we tend to call each other out if we’re being asshats. If you think he needs a talking-to at some point, you tell me and I’ll talk to him.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Master.”

When she looked out at the water, he stole a kiss.

“Have I ever told you that being naked really suits you?” He slid his hands over her skin, and she melted against him. Every time she was in his arms like this, it felt like a piece of him had been put back in its place. There was contentment, relief, and a feeling that everything was right in his world.

“You’re such a fucking romantic, Master.”

“Wait. What’s this?” He crouched down at her feet, and feigned picking something up, then stood and held it out to her.

She blinked at his palm, then at him, then back again.

“It’s . . . Someone lost this?” Everly eyed him suspiciously.

The old-fashioned ring glittered in his palm, and he struggled to slow down his racing heart. Fuck, he sucked at this stuff. “No. This is your last chance to throw me back in the ocean though.”