“Like that’s new,” she teased.

“Worse than usual.”

“Yeah, me too.”

They stared at each other for a long moment, and she realized how relieved she was that he hadn’t moved on, even though she’d grumbled it at her phone often enough when his messages came. His blond hair was getting shaggy, and there were dark circles under his eyes, as though he hadn’t been sleeping well.

His eyes . . . She watched them, marveling at the depth of feeling there.

“Do you . . .” Tears welled in her eyes again. That choking fear of rejection was still there, lurking in the back of her mind. “Still love me?”

He smiled then ran his fingers across her cheek, collecting her tears. “Yes. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.”

They sat quietly for a while, Everly crying new tears and Ambrose wiping them away. He hummed in contentment, and she felt like she’d drawn a breath for the first time in weeks. That heavy pressure in her chest had disappeared when she’d taken her place in her Master’s lap.

“Everly,” Ambrose said, breaking the silence.


“Just so you know, I own an international shipping company. I’m rich, but I try not to be an ass about it. I like fancy foods and useless oversized mansions, apparently. But I can fund shelters and other charities, and also take you on vacations anywhere you want to go.” He exaggerated a relieved sigh. “There. Got that out.”

Chuckling, she sat up so she could look him in the eye. “Anywhere?”

He kissed her nose. “Anywhere.”

Sighing deeply, she snuggled closer, enjoying the warmth of being in his arms. It felt like it’d been so long since she’d been warm. Life had gone cold while they’d been apart. But now it was so very alive.

Their breathing synced, and she was pretty sure their heartbeats did, too, or maybe it was just a romantic notion. Either way, she was glad to be back in his arms.

“We need to have a talk eventually,” he said, breaki

ng through her quiet contemplation. “About how we’re going to reconcile our difference in principles. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable being with me.”

Talking about serious things was a total buzz kill.

“Not now,” he echoed her thoughts. “But in the next few days. We need to work some things out.”

“Okay, but I’m sleepy.” She let her eyes drift shut. From his words earlier about giving up his mansion and donating money, she knew their differences weren’t insurmountable, as long as they were each willing to give a little. And for this, she would.

“Let’s go to the bedroom, then.”

“Nooo,” she half-whined. “You’ll get all sorts of ideas in the bedroom.”

He laughed. “And what’s wrong with that?”

“I’m tired.”

“Mmm,” he purred, shifting underneath her. “Yeah, but I haven’t had you in weeks. You couldn’t stay awake a little longer? I’ll make it worth your while.”

Oh, she’d just bet he would. Since they’d split up, neither her vibrator nor her hand had gotten any use. Her fantasies always revolved around Ambrose, and she was too sad to think of him. But now here he was, and he wanted her.

He ground his hips against her, his cock growing hard. Thinking about his cock and her ass made her belly warm and her clit ache.

“Ugh,” she said in mock annoyance. “I guess if my Master wants it, I can manage.” She leaned back and smirked at him. But then a second thought pushed its way in. “Are you . . . still my Master?”

For some reason, that question made her feel more vulnerable than asking if he still loved her. But their D/s dynamic was so much deeper than plain vanilla love. It was love magnified a hundredfold. The two were so entwined she didn’t know if they could ever separate the D/s from everything else. It would go against the very nature of their relationship.

She bit her lip, preparing for the worst. Maybe he wanted to take a break from that until other things were sorted out. Maybe he thought she wasn’t ready to be his slave again. Her stomach fluttered with nerves. Why wasn’t he answering?