Oh God. Here? Over his knee? She wasn’t feeling very conversational. “Again? Just get my punishment over with, Master.”

“I decide those things, Everly. Do you really want to be getting yourself into more trouble right now?”

“No, Master.” She sounded sulky, even to her own ears.

“Then shut your bratty mouth.”

Sighing heavily earned her a stinging swat. Then he smoothed his hand over it. “Who do you belong to?”

Ugh. So he was going to embarrass her with questions. “You, Master.”

“Who does this ass belong to?”

“You, Master.”

“And your nipples?”

She hesitated, not liking where this was going. Was he going to force the clamps on as part of her punishment? “You, Master.”

“Why didn’t you want me to use the clamps? You seemed to like them the first time.”

“I . . . I don’t know really. My nipples are really sore right after my period, and I was afraid you’d force me.”

“You were afraid of anal before. Did I force you and hurt you, or did I ease you into it so you liked it?”

He had a point. “The second one, Master.”

While he spoke, he stroked her ass and thighs. Was he trying to relax her or turn her on? Or just keep her from getting bored, face shoved into the couch, answering his silly questions?

“So next time you’re afraid or uncomfortable with something, what are you going to do?”

God, the lecturing was worse than any pain he could give her. Couldn’t he just spank her and get it over with? “Talk to you, Master.”

“Good girl.”

His approval felt good, despite the trepidation the hairbrush was causing. The wood glided across her skin, making her flinch.

“I want you to count,” he said. “‘One, I will not run from Master.’ Like that, okay?”

“Yes, Master.” But what if she couldn’t breathe? “How many?”

He paused, making her wonder if he hadn’t thought it through and if that meant worse for her. “Until I think you’re really sorry.”

But I am now!


“Ouch!” She flailed, unprepared for the first hit to be so hard. “Don’t I get a warm-up?”

“Not for a punishment,” he answered then tightened his grip on her waist. “Besides, wasn’t the hot tub warm enough?”

Ugh. Dom sarcasm.


She grunted.

“Start at one,” he said.