She groaned, then grinned over her shoulder at him. “You know we can’t have sex today. Why are you such a mean, mean man?”

“You’re the one being a tease. Besides, you like me mean, don’t you, my little slut?” He grabbed her hair and she gasped, then moaned.

“Mmm . . . Yes, Master.”

He bit her neck and she melted against him. “We need to stop.”


“I told you, I have my period.”

He lowered her to the floor.

“What are you doing?” she complained.

“Is there something wrong with your mouth?”

“But that’s not fair!” She pouted.

He unbuckled his belt and pulled it from the loops, then unzipped his jeans. She see

med sulky, like she was going to make a fuss, so he wrapped the belt around her neck and made it into an impromptu leash.

Everly gasped then glared up at him. “You’re just going to use my mouth, and I don’t get to come?” Her lowered brows were ferociously adorable.

He shrugged. “You decided on the rules. If you don’t like them, that’s not my problem.” Having her on her knees in front of him, after spending the better part of the afternoon in public, where he could only look and not touch, was very satisfying. Coming down her lovely throat would be even better.

Ambrose fished his dick out of his jeans and used his belt to tug her closer. “Come here, little slave. My cock misses you.”

She rolled her eyes and huffed at him. “How did we get from you wanting to buy me pretty things, to you wanting to jam your monster cock down my throat?”

“When you’re a naughty tease, there are consequences.”

“I just wanted to cuddle.”

“You’re a very wiggly cuddler.”

“Your dick was hard. I was just trying to get comfortable.”

“Well”—he presented his finger to her mouth, and she sulkily allowed him to push it in—“it’ll be easier to cuddle with me after you fix this, then.”

Check and mate.

For a short while, Ambrose amused himself by toying with her mouth, feeling her teeth, tracing her lips. She was already horny and in no time she latched onto his finger and started to suck. The feel of her suckling his finger made his cock ache for her mouth. When he brushed his dick against her lips, she transferred her attention there, and sucked him off like a good girl.

The makeshift leash in his hand only made it better.

By the time she got him off, she was squirming and desperate for release. He overrode her modest objections and carried her off to the shower. Good girls deserved orgasms.

Chapter Eleven

Don’t you dare drive in this weather, Everly.

She could almost hear the command in his voice, but also the worry, and it made her smile. Silly man. Leaving her toothbrush in her mouth, she typed back a response.

I’ve lived here my whole life, and, amazingly, I’ve managed to survive without your overprotective ass telling me what to do.

In her mind, he arched a brow but couldn’t hold back a smirk because, secretly, he loved her bratty side. But really, it wasn’t snowing that hard, was it? She finished her teeth then peeked out the bedroom window.