It took Herculean self-control to get to his feet and pull her up.

“But why?” she asked, pressing against him.

“Behave. First of all, you wanted a date, so you’re getting a damned date. I’m making dinner, and then we’re going to eat that dinner. We will have an interesting and meaningful conversation, so I can show you how fun and clever I am. Second, I have no intention of coming in my pants. I’m too old for that shit.”

Everly gave a sly laugh and dropped to her knees, then closed her teeth over the shaft of his dick, through his pants. Unable to resist, he grabbed her hair and let her play for a minute before dragging her back to her feet.

“Enough.” His voice croaked, but rather than looking amused, she seemed as horny as he felt.

“Please, Sir?”

He hesitated, wanting to do the right thing, but she was making it so . . . hard. “No.”

She groaned and rubbed against him. “Not even for a second?”

Enough. He spun her around and forced her down over the counter, then spanked the backs of her thighs until she danced from foot to foot. Even through her leggings and little skirt it had to sting.

“Ow, ow, ow!” She squealed and squirmed.

Ambrose had to force himself to stop. Horny sadists had to be careful not to go overboard.

Everly grimaced, which was adorable. He lifted her onto the counter and kissed her nose.

“Now you be a good girl and sit here while I cook dinner.”

“Cruel man.”

“You don’t know the half of it, princess.”

They stared at each other for a moment, and she lowered her gaze.

While she watched, he diced onion, chopped mushrooms, warmed frying pans.

“Who taught you to cook?”

Ambrose shrugged. “My parents, but they mostly bake now that my mom has her bakery. That’s where I got the bread.” He hoped that didn’t make his family sound too rich for Everly, but he was proud of how well his mother had done. The business was doing even better now that his father had retired and joined her. Four hands were better than two.

“Cool. It’s nice to hear about small businesses doing well with multinational corporations taking over everything.” She stretched out on the counter, like a cat. A collar with a bell would be adorable on her. She should also be naked.

He put the steak topping on simmer and tried to focus on making a side dish, instead of fantasizing about taking the scissors out of the drawer and cutting her clothes off. If they ever got into serious D/s, he’d keep her naked whenever possible.

“Can I help with anything?”

Ambrose chuckled. “I don’t think you want to hear my answer to that.”

“What’s so funny? I can cook, you know. Maybe I’m not as fancy as you are, but who can afford steak all the time?”

Hmm . . . Maybe he should have made spaghetti. “Oh, I wasn’t thinking about food, bad girl. I was going to suggest you get naked, but I decided it wasn’t very date-like to say it out loud. And as for the fancy dinner, I have to make sure I impress you now, before some other Dominant snaps you up.”

She rolled her eyes. “You could have had me five minutes ago, but you insisted we needed to eat first.”

“You insisted we needed to have a real date. I was all for fucking you as soon as you set foot in the house.” He shrugged. “Besides, maybe we should get to know each other, since I can’t seem to keep my hands off of you.”

He was expecting a smart-ass response, but she blushed and looked away.

Mmm . . . girl . . .

Everything was ready at the same time—a skill he’d worked hard to master in the last couple of years. As he arranged everything on plates, Everly took a seat at the kitchen table. It was more intimate than the dining room, and less ostentatious.